
Did you get paid for the furloughed time?

Meh, so you are limited to daytrips and around the house stuff, still not seeing that much bad about it.

*when you include social security and Medicare payments as part of entitlement payments.

Too bad.

I suspect border patrol is the group wanting the wall. And recipients of assorted welfare is who he is talking about as being harmed.

Nah, probably just recognizing that gov handouts go more to dems. Non-social security ones at least, depending on how you define them.

Staggering to think of, but some people do not live check to check.

So fund the wall already, put them back to work.

The right is not bothered by shutdowns like yall are. Call it the Trump shutdown, we call that a positive.

Ban assault drones. Or something.

Not true, she will milk tons of mileage out of this case. Just like Anita Hill she will get a promotion and books deals out of it.

This needs ungreyed.

Problem that doesn’t exist?

I remember a party I was invited too but did not attend. A cool Finnish guy invited me and said the hot Brazilian student would be there. I don’t remember the date, I couldn’t tell you the address (though I could find it on Google maps)

Are we really at a point where mentioning reality is racist?

Must be a slow news day. That this is the headline.

Just saying, regulators can make your life hell even if you are doing nothing wrong.

Yes, and at the time all criticism of Obama was treated as evidence of racism.

Did you do any research about the hack?

This has always been the case. Or do you think millionaires gave a fuck about the commoners getting a model T when they wanted their horseless carriage.