
... jail as a priority, so long as they guy does not get a chance to do further harm while alive. After he is dead? Well I’m not so picky about so long as there is no possibility of manifestations (sorry, no ghost perverts please).

Completely agree. Particularly for LEO ... after all its their job to uphold the law, not their interpretation of it. Now I don’t think that vigilantes are less at fault so much as that I would hold the police to a higher expectation per the job they are entrusted with.

Well, to be honest - there are many presidents who have been alleged to have done one or both ... IIRC, the speculation starting with George Washington and one Sally Fairfax. Granted, there is no absolute proof in this case ... but there is his letter to her in 1758, which IMHO, does raise the question as to his true

IIRC ... in the first Rambo movie, I had a fairly involved debate with friends on the character that Dennehy played (small town sherrif) ... at the time I argued that the character was overdone to the point of caracture and stereotype, and that it wasn’t realistic.

The NAACP LDF asked that the Florida Department of Education review policies at the schools in question and requests that any discriminatory mandates be rescinded. The letter also suggests that schools consult with their local communities in revising their hair policies — including incoming and already enrolled

“I have um...” Messler began, as his face slowly turned a color that can be only described as Trumpian orange, adding: “In my career, I have um... promoted many many people that maybe didn’t deserve it.”

.... was thinking along similar lines. The issue here is practical accountability - fairly simple solution ... set up a televised network presence similar to the growing trend for televised highschool sports seen in growing popularity on devices like the Roku.

Wow ... now that is saying something. Almost like “Vlad the Impaler” making the off hand comment to one of his nobles .... Ohhhhhh, now that guy is fiendish.  

Hahaha ... as much as my ‘gut’ agrees with you ... I’d say, in the long run, its worth the restraint to take the higher road in terms of (justified) termination.  Again, the driver should be commended on his patience and civilized restraint.

I hate to say it ... but the only thing that even makes remote sense as a motivation is that this is a premeditated smear. So to my thinking, it’s either blatantly stupid and embarrassing ... or very sneaky.


Depends on how plausible/intuitive the writers want that element to be ... granted, the rocket could represent the complete opposite of aerodynamic efficiency, but that draw flags to it in terms of additional explanation, just so that it wouldn’t be overly distracting from the main plot.

Ah, I had forgotten about that ... that does make sense, particularly when you factor in the different motivational elements.

Subjective perceptual bias is a funny thing ... it can and will render an almost infinite potential for how one sees something.  

Yes ... that Pith Helmet was ... tragic, almost comedic in a clueless sort of way.  As for “BeBest” ... consider that English is not her first language ... that and who ever she consults with on this kind of thing ... should be fired.  Now if she is choosing her own wardrobe from scratch ... then its all on her.

Technology should help in this department ... more than ever before, personal devices and the connected nature of the internet, make it harder and harder for someone to be truly isolated and undocumentable.

Hmmm ... blinked there, what was uncovered?  In any case though, in the larger scheme, greater access to information is generally better than its restriction.

Hmmmm ... that fits. I was thinking that, or maybe ‘passion/passionate’.

Stepford Analysts?

“You keep on using that word. I don’t think it means what you think it does ...”