I would have loved to be sitting behind this guy. It would have been a shame when I tried to stand up and “accidentally” spilled my beverage all over his head. A damn shame.
There are moments in my life when I clearly understand what I am willing to go to prison for. Rearranging this man’s face and guaranteeing he eats all his meals through a straw, if he insulted my grandmother, would be the easiest time I can ever think of. They think they can keep getting away with this.
What does the school do if nobody but the two girls involved, heard the initial racial slur, but a school employee was a witness to outraged Chanese’s retort and her tormentor denied uttering the slur? Wisconsin is a one party state and Chanese can keep her phone going or actively sting the racists at the school.
Its actually surprising how many folk ‘magically’ behave when there is the threat of being caught and held accountable for their actions.
The problem is the people who watched it and grew up wanting to be Dennehy’s sheriff instead of John Rambo. I can’t imagine anyone rooting for the side against Rambo, but you nailed it. Is there anything more un-American than rooting against fucking Rambo?
No, but hopefully law enforcement will.
I read yesterday that he was fired from his job... Karma has no deadline
My goodness. Alcohol turns some people into straight demons.
We need this driver manning the nuclear launch codes.
The fact that he maintained the FULL 16 minutes of this video means he should get a fucking medal. That is some serious self control.
That face is why I don’t talk politics with my Trump-supporting family, because I don’t like being in situations where I involuntarily make that face in order to suppress my desire to shout insults at the top of my lungs.
The “Be Best” lunacy has nothing to do with her limited English proficiency. Michelle Obama’s anti-bullying thing was “Be Better.” What’s better than “better?” Best. Voila!
Dr. Blasey Ford knew what was going to happen. The accusations, the slander, the lies, the death threats against her and her family.