
Consider that we we normally see is in essence botched stupidity ... it stands to reason that MOST if not all of what is generally recognized is the work of the average ‘Joe/Joan’ (or less).  One can argue that in every age, the master criminal tends to be unrecognized and invisible to the world at large.

... what sane reporting organization would hire her after this ... granted, if the KKK were in need of a spokesperson ... 

WTF ... is this guy for real? If anything, more time should be added for his apparent inability to grasp reality. IN ADDITION to the fact that he shot and killed an unarmed man who was already on the ground ... his continued downplaying and avoidance of responsibility for his actions ... well speak for themselves.

The Porn industry/ecosystem is in a word ... tragic. The room for abuse and stigma makes it particularly vulnerable to this type of expolitation - as such, it does need far greater oversight and regulation for the safety of its performers.

Are we great again yet?”

The unthinking stupidity of some folk ... hmmmm ... based on his logic ... lock him up with some big and burly guy who happens to take a fancy to him.  Then upon locking the door for the night, just wink and say ... the president says you are welcome.  

I’m of the opinion that human nature being what it is (read: fundamentally self serving and biased) ... requires help. The ‘help’ in this case is an iron clad policy with teeth for the unmitigated requirement for FULLY documented conflicts.

... more like he forged the blade of disrepute his family is holding and insisted on impaling himself on the extended point.  He made his bed.

Was thinking the same exact thing ... for a relative (even a distant one) to actually attempt to dissuade people from voting for you ... means that their perception of you is arguably in the ballpark of the ... Devil. Almost to the extent of saying ... anyone ... ANYONE but him.

... well considering that the guy is just full of bull ... the bovine bias is kneejerk ... for the jerk.

What gets me most about this case (and the multitude of similar ones happning with regularity) - You would think that the Airlines, being the business entity, would enact an intuitive and common sense hiring practice to promote both the policy fundamentals AND trained capable staff to handle situations of this general

Did you know that recent research indicates that the the cognitive/instinctual profile of the average house cat is nearly identical to that of their much larger feline relatives?  The upshot being ... if they were bigger, we humans would likely be on the menu.   Conversely if we humans were 50 foot giants, it is

Tragic ... but it could be much worse. A number of insect species like the Praying Mantis - routinely practice mate killing. The male Praying Mantis gets to mate only once in his life! Long story short ... after mating, while the male is in a post coital stupor, the female decapitates the male and usually - literally


Hmmm ... scratches head on this one ... As a guy, first I would candidly admit, I don’t have a clue what breast feeding feels like for the mother/child. Now from the point of biology, there is fairly convincing evidence that human breast milk is superior to animal substitutes and human made artificial formulas ... as

A travesty of justice, no contest ... the problem here as I see it is that without hard evidence, personal bias will assert itself in less than accurate and truthful ways. The only way I can see for there to be a breakthrough is by being able to provide evidence (after the fact) in order to catch those lying in the

hahaha ... Not a totally accurate fit, bit the first image that flashed through my mind at the description of the ‘penis like’ appendage ... the refueling tube found on many military aircraft.  The probes placement in relationship to the ‘eyes’ of the fish (or fighter) make the forehead or area near the cockpit to be

Heck I’d go to “Jenny’s Pharmacy” just on principle ... in hopes that it be a warning wakeup call for those inclined to egocentric bias.

... the fact that he equates the two in an absolute sense, makes him ultimately unsuitable for the job ... which is not vague or open to interpretive leeway in the way he intends.

... this ... gets me. I get it that everyone has a particular view or opinion (and that I won’t agree with many of them), but its called an opinion because its a personal view - that is only absolute as far as the skin (or young offspring) extends. This keeps happening, which tells me that the deterrant is ...