
I am a retired public school teacher, normally I would be extolling the virtues of a lesson plan that incorporates an immersive element to better cement the emotional relevance of a lesson.

If the internet has one all redeeming virtue in its Pandora’s box of surprises ... it is that information gets out and widely. Gone are the days, you could really suppress information to the world.

Dropping to his level would be bad ... rather, a polite request for clarification would be a classy comeback IMHO ...

I think its genuine though ... I am guessing that he realized early on that he was in a tough spot politically and morally speaking.

... and thinking.  

We have an old saying ... “You plant corn, you get corn ...”

... scared for his sons more than his daughters ... this guy (like his father) is a real piece of work ... I strongly suspect the world will NOT be a better place because of them with that kind of influence and fatherly upbringing.

Yes ... that is. I remember criticizing my parents once ... for not having a boy first then a girl a year later. The simplistic (and admittingly sexist) logic going through my junior high brain was that during the school years at least, there would be the threat of an older brother in the system to keep the asshats at

Very true, and actually that is my point ... ‘alone’ in the hallway (like the anonymous troll) ... bad eggs tend to let their inner demons out.  Thing is, the present reality is that more times than not a person or persons will be documented in various ways with and without the involved parties knowledge.  The ‘birds

Narcissism, while not good by any means, pales in comparison to the far more lethal drug of unregulated power.

Good point, in large groups, ‘bullying’ can be much worse ... particularly if there is the spectator element present.  One mitigation for this generation though (which in itself can be a double edge sword) ... almost universal video capacity per smart phones.  Like online bullies, real world ones, like to cover their

Online bullying is the ‘new meta’ as the younger generation call it ... it is growing in popularity because it affords the user better camoflage and deniability after the fact. In many ways, online bullying is worse than physical confrontation due to one’s greater ability to ‘hit and run’ with far less signature.  

“You’re supposed to be Bill Cosby when you’re a junior and senior in high school...” - Lindsay Graham

Bravo!  Well said.

While cautiously hopeful ... I am wondering at the ‘scope’ issue, time limit and investigator?  I do take some comfort in the fact that Trump seems to be backing off a bit ... quite possibly to create a distancing buffer should things go south.  

Hmmmm ... for me, this one is kind of sticky ... a lot of variables in terms of who created and for what contextual purpose. Say for example a direct commercial venture vs a spontaneous creation with after the fact commercial consideration. ... but that issue aside, I think CBS lost a potential window to create an

While I can’t gainsay you ... I hope, this move on his part represents a tiny but stubborn spark of decency that refuses to be extinguished completely ... and that the fact that he could not look at those victims square in the eye ... was the shameful wakeup call to do the right thing.

This.  <Thumbs up>

Well, I can’t speak for the past trends (that really would be a separate issue IMO) I will say that THIS issue has not only caught the attention of the public nationally, but the world as well. I think the reason for this is because it resonates strongly as the continued oppression by those in power ... to remain in

Yes ... terms for life are dangerous in the lack of safeguarding oversight.  Many things can go wrong or become corrupt overtime ... with guaranteed life time appointments.