
The story of Haas will go down as one of the most bizarre team histories in all of sports. Between being sponsored by a fake energy drink shell company and having their driver get 21st place in a pack of 20 people, not many teams can hold a candle to the terribleness that is Haas.

I have to agree with this - Senna started only three races with Williams almost 30 years ago, and he DNF’d in every one - Obviously, the third race was the one in which he crashed fatally.Also, the team principals from Senna’s short time with Williams are no longer around: Patrick Head retired, and Frank Williams died

Oh, buddy.

WHAT?! huge loss for Jalopnik. If David Tracy leaves too I might finally un-bookmark Jalopnik.

There’s a relatively small group of people willing to pay 90K for a new Toyota, and they’re smart, keep their vehicles for a long time, don’t like flashy crap (no Range Rovers), want a die hard reliable rig for their family (again, Range Rovers are out), and 90K on a family daily driver is nothing to them.

Go fuck off Uber, I work in a healthcare facility, your about as essential and prioritized as a used diaper. 

Henry Ford was like, ‘Nah, I’ve already got one car company run by an anti-semitic megalomaniac, why do I need another?’

It’sh only natural that Sean Connery would drag his archnemesis to the afterlife.

Oh this is beautiful!

He’s lucky he’s white...

He should have just complied.

Hi Erik, would you let the overlords know that I still have a small sliver of screen left to read the articles! In spite of their best efforts in forcing a header advertisement video upon me when I load a page they still haven’t been able to completely crowd out all of the content with advertisements.

The year 2020 has turned out to be in part an extended marketing push by GM to convince everyone that it’s all about electric now.”

Could someone else at Jalopnik please be the one to write about GM. Anyone at all.

For GM, in other words, $4.5 billion isn’t pocket change but it also isn’t much of a stretch.”

What are you even talking about?

Neutral: The Democrat messaging is that there is something wrong with being successful, that we need to blame those that are successful, and we need to hold those that are successful accountable for being successful.

Raph, you need to join Erik in never again being allowed to talk about stocks.

In that moment, Randall stopped owning a Ford Expedition. He picked up his keys, and began gathering the supplies needed to change his status among Apache Junction’s HOA: This is a case of Keystone, a hacksaw, and years of pent up frustration.