Post Karl Malone

To be fair, Thompson doesn’t have as much skin in the game


Maybe people go to the West to avoid him? Probably didn’t think about that...

Simon Sez it takes a Double Team to get after the Rocket Man

Now playing

Can we please have Michael Shannon do a dramatic interpretation of this voicemail? He killed it with the sorority letter

The world is cruel. I felt the same way a few years ago about TMac - hell I used to exclusively play in the TMac 3 velcro covers and Agent Zero shoes. It’s a really crappy feeling when you realize that Vince Carter is pretty close to the same boat.

Re: Paul - I’m not one who thinks that a ring defines a player because that does take a defined team approach; however, I am the type that thinks in the NBA, one star player wins at least the first round annually-ish (over half the league makes the playoffs, a third make it to round 2). Paul doesn’t pass the eye test

Ryan Howard was overrated. He’s the Chris Paul, Carmelo Anthony, [insert Dallas Cowboys player] of baseball

False. No household is allowed two accounts out of the greys. Nice try spambot.

“““I don’t want to belong to any club that would have me as a member.”

Howie Schultz sure has been active on gawker today

Gritty if true

Please do not stop your coverage. You are doing a great service and I do my part to share your findings with each report. It needs to be discussed, and you break it down in a great way to share with others. Thank you.

Yes it is bad because Sony always gets us hyped and Sony always leaves us very, very, very disappointed.

Username checks out

The replies to this thread give me goosebumps. It’s like Deadspin Classic released their greatest hits, updated for your Kinja platform viewing pleasure. The Philly gods are horse shitting on Fox News and Daulerio’Tulu is pleased.

I like Old Vegas better

Steph wised up after watching Drake get pwned

Probably somewhere shitty if he’s a consultant typing on Deadspin on a Friday.

Why the weird heights and weights?