I hated the media blowing up about how he’s too young then fawning over him because he is actually good.
I hated the media blowing up about how he’s too young then fawning over him because he is actually good.
F1 History: Technological advancement is banned, loophole is found in ban, loophole is closed, new loophole is found, loophole is closed, new loophole is found, loophole is closed...
This looks AWFULLY similar to the Formula Lites series that runs in the SCCA Pro this year. And anyone who follows SCCA will know how big of a flop this series has been right off the bat (5 or 6 cars at a race). It baffles me why the US keeps trying to establish new open wheel series here. There’s already a strong…
Just another money grab junior formula series that is intended to separate rich dad’s from their wallet to fund their kid’s racing ambition. Formula Mazda, formula Ford, formula enterprise, f1000, formula Atlantic... Do we need another?
Enzo Ferrari sounded like a real piece of shit in person, from everything I’ve read about him.
I’d be more concerned about the organic content of the seat cushions.
I have a secret desire to see an FSAE car attempt the climb, some of them may put down a really respectable time.
Before the mainstream sports obsessions, school dances, awkward teen years, supremely fun college parties,…
Ah, go-karts. One of many preferred gathering places of car nerds everywhere. Go-karts are such a nice, relaxing…
The movie Faster covers this rivalry pretty well. My only problem is that it makes newbies (me included) instant fans of Rossi. I have the same problem with the movie Senna. That said, great movie and the sequel is great too
What is it about open-wheel racing where everyone wants to have their own developmental ladder? There are plenty of feeder series in the world to support Formula E. Formula E needs to focus on being more interesting before worrying about having a bespoke ladder system.
That is one mentally and physically tough dude! Kudos to Alex for not ever giving up! Great example for the rest of us going through whatever we are going through.
I still don't totally understand that question. I do, but then I don't.
People always try and pull away like a normal car in a race car, when it's pretty much the opposite.in a road car, sliding the clutch against a bunch of revs makes you look a tit. In a race car, it's the only way to pull away gently. Lots of revs and get the speed up so you can release the clutch as soon as you are…
I think I'll enjoy it a bit more when it's not a spec series and new manufacturers start coming to the table with road car transferable R&D and tech. It does seem to be some good racing even though they sound like a fleet of angry RC cars.
The car above is Mazda's last prototype to race at Le Mans. Only it wasn't just a Mazda. It was a Jaguar. Only it…
It was a very very white knuckle drive down 23 at about 45 mph. Cars in the ditch everywhere. Only got stuck a handful of times, trying to begin motion on an uphill. Top tip: Never stop. People will understand.
Was that when you were coming up over the crest into the right hander before the S curves?