batteries not included

My understanding is that they don’t REMEMBER that paricular party. Which is perfectly possible because who does remember a party from 30 years ago unless something extraordinary happened and they were witness to it or were an unwilling participant in it.

And just like an onion it brings tears to my eyes.

Close, it’s a sexual-harassment multi-level-marketing scheme. 

This Kavanaugh thing is like a sexual harassment onion.  There’s just layer after layer of creeps defending other creeps and lying (poorly) to cover up their assaults.

She is shady AF and deserves to go down in flames with her husband. Let us count the ways:

Ya know, I would call myself decidedly neutral on Jennifer Garner, but yeah, that was hella charming.

It’s a fairy tale dress, so gorge.

For better or for worse, I’m not one to comment on celebrity wedding gowns, but GOOD GOD, Hillary Swank has the best best best dress I’ve ever seen in my life. I’m so in love.

Also, I’m really curious what she saw in this dude that made her think, “There’s someone I want to go to bat for!” Just looking at him makes me want to shower. 

It’s like, Nicki, do you even publicist? I don’t understand how anyone at her level is even allowed to put out a statement like that in this era.

I think it’s time to dip out of anymore articles about either of these assholes. That’s my current stance on the Kardashians.

I don’t remember the last time I went from having a pretty favorable opinion of a star to wishing they would honestly go away and take the remnants of their career with them.

What the hell is going on with her? I think Remy really did rip out her soul.

Weird ass hill to die on, girl. 

Not often you get to say good job MTV.

Jon Snow went swimming!

She had the “very real” title of Countess, but she decided to throw that all away for the short, sweet love of one Tom D’Agostino. A man so good that he had already slept with all her girlfriends before he and Luann started dating.

I read that Monopoly story yesterday (along with everyone else I guess?), I thought it was an old story (because it happened in 2001) but I guess it just came out?? It is an interesting case but only by scale and the lack of oversight at the marketing firm, but the Iowa state lottery fraud is a better story for a