It’s real easy for that level of detailing to look old or cheap, and somehow it’s perfect for her, the venue, and still says Dior.
It’s real easy for that level of detailing to look old or cheap, and somehow it’s perfect for her, the venue, and still says Dior.
Of course I remember Waldenbooks! Bought my first stuffed animal there (came with a book and mug).
But season’s 1 puzzle seemed to have a point (solve the maze for consciousness) while so much of this season’s puzzles had no point other than to make the end reveal “cool” - which I don’t think it earned because of all the unnecessary hiding the ball.
Surprised you didn’t cross-link with i09 on their recent post about a feminist, modern update of Little Women:
This is the content I’m looking for! :D
Right! I hate that dirtbag made me click on something relating to Meghan McCain when I was hopping for more royal gossip.
Depends on the series. 101 is on Youtube.
OMG thank you. Laughed in class.
I interpreted the scene with his second-command as explanation of the symbol as a QR-like code that overrides the “I don’t see anything” program. I enjoy how already programmed features (curiosity, kindness) has spread the symbol naturally between hosts (goes into the connection part mentioned in the review).
Gotten a new appreciation for the clothes on SATC since I started to follow
In response to American Christians losing their privilege they have re-framed themselves as victims (martyrs) and Kirk Cameron’s movies play directly into these feelings.
I’m holding onto Azar v. Garza ruling and no Kardashians in his DirtBag, but I understand.
Would it be a security issue to remove gender from passports altogether?
They’re called smoothie bowls because the açai is never fresh enough so they must add something like apple juice or banana puree. People want to say they’re eating açai when they’re really not and it now has turned into an Instagram fad.
I guess it depends how much Machine Gun Kelly bothers you?
OMG they were all over my middle school library and I was intrigued by the cover of The Angels Trilogy because I didn’t know anything about the Amish. Was very disappointed when I learned the theme of her books was death and not small religious communities.