batteries not included

Do non-tangible things count? I spent $2000 or so on the kayak trip of my dreams in Gwaii Hanaas National Park. I’d had a miscarriage, so I decided to take a 10 day remote trip that I definitely couldn’t have done if I’d become a parent. It was pretty awesome and I was a much better paddler by the end of it. Plus it

After my granFanda died, I discovered she had snuck little bits of money into money markets, CD’s and savings accounts in my name since my birth. I was notified of this by her sister via a post card with my first clue (because she made it a treasure hunt). All told she left me 24k. The knowledge of that money, of the

Aw man, I love that cover. The way at least 3 of the boys pictured on the cover are named Corey is both accurate and sad.

My mum once asked me what ‘rents’ meant - she and her friends were very concerned it was a particularly derogatory word. I explained it was just ‘cool’ child speak for parent, much to her suspicion.

“The only people who actually say the term “bennies” as slang are midlevel corporate managers talking to you about about your health insurance”

Idk, my teens don’t read these. I think?

I had the same reaction - how wasteful is that? That’s a lot of unnecessary plastic...

As the parent of a six year old girl, thank you for this little peek into the kind of thing I’ll be hearing a lot about in the next five or six years.

I’m starting to suspect JoJo is like Melisandre in Game of Thrones: take off the bow and her true old woman form will be revealed

I used to subscribe to Girls’ Life as a tween and I’m 99% certain that’s where I first learned the term “BFF” (also “the ’rents”).

Live Your Best Life?” maybe Girl’s Life sounds fake because it’s an old issue of O in disguise

maybe the Pop Star! editor quit halfway thru production, which would also explain misspelling “Emilia ClarkE” on the ding-dong cover

Gahhhhhhhhh, Jojo! Lay off the hair bows for awhile, I’m noticing tension alopecia!

What kind of colossal asshole uses a new toothbrush every day? What the fuck?

You realize that people who do gay porn don’t have to be gay right? People that do gay porn can be gay, bi, pan, ace, or even straight it’s about comfort more than sexuality. Saying that it’d be having sex with a gay man without even mentioning them, erases all those sexualities and perpetuates a stygma that MLM that

People who have sex with other people for money have the right to refuse to have sex with whoever they want. Nobody is obligated to have sex with gay men if they don’t want to. There’s nothing homophobic about performers having boundaries about who they want to perform with. This is basic common sense. 

I thought about this some more (and I hope to stop soon).

I remember reading this story—it made me queasy to say the least. The overlap between

I see no pig.