
I would watch an entire show of Kate and Yelena riffing off each other.

My nine-year-old instantly noted “hey, it’s the opposite of their Endgame scene.”  Nine.

It’s mostly used as the ability to fall very long distances...”

Such an amazing episode. Of course it gets a crappy score here.

now i’m not one to harp on letter scores, but i just really don’t understand what sam wants from this show.

Tune in next week when he’s surprised all over again at Boseman being back even though Cha-Cha Star Lord is in the midseason trailer.

I’m happy Brendan Hunt got a showcase episode and I couldn’t care less if some people found it to be tangential to the series.

This is kind of what I’ve been asking for, but not really in this “What if” format. Any time Black Panther or Killmonger is mentioned, I’ve been saying they need to make the live-action prequel/origin story “The Corruption of Erik Killmonger” while Michael B Jordan is young enough to play the part..

I mean...we NEED General Ramonda in Wakanda Forever, right?

I feel like a lot of the reviewers here and on AV are kind of missing the point of What If...? Most of the time in the comics there were no happy endings and no continuations. They allowed the reader to use their imagination to think about what happens next. 

Nikki supported her pedophile brother, no? Then followed that with marriage to her sexual assaulting piece of “man”?

Charging kids to go to public school is the complete opposite of what public schools exist for. 

So I took it that the nexus event is N’Jobu being killed by “gang violence” as Killmonger said, rather than by T’Chaka. 

This is completely orthogonal to the reason for existence of public schools. Might as well just abolish the school district and those who can pay get schooling and those who don’t, well, maybe they can go work in factories for 12 hours a day. Might as well get some use out of the poor, right? 

Maybe if people who endorse the idea that the free market can fix any economic issue *eyeroll* also endorsed greatly expanded taxation on the wealthy, we’d be able to better support public programs like public schools and these places might have the spare cash to be able to raise wages

They disagree with Reagan?

Unfortunately, I fear for the future of black participation in medicine, especially at the physician level. so many of our social cohorts are actively in the conspiracy zone on any and all topics, and the pandemic has brought this to an egregious level of toxicity. Children are regularly being exposed to parents,

What part of this piece didn't you understand? 

i’m gonna throw in a dark horse ‘best line’ and say it’s in iron man 3: