
My only reservation with used iPhones (or any phone for that matter) is the battery quality.  Now, if a used iPhone just got a battery swap and it’s still in good condition, then let’s chat.  I’m currently on an iPhone 12 Pro and plan to ride it for a bit.  Will need a battery swap in a few months and it should be

It’s simple really.  Same actor, same character.  Just slightly different version of the character.  

At a very minimum, student loans by the federal government to pay for public education (community college/public university)  should be wiped out.  

Can you child write a review so we can star it more than this one?

Beard has the same problem as Ted in that they can’t be honest with their feelings.  They both deflect or stay quiet when their insides want to say something or just cry.  Beard hating losing but not saying a word tells me he needs to see the therapist.

Don’t forget the mascots for City are Moochester and Moonbeam!

Isn’t Wonderwall the unofficial anthem for City? You know, cause of Liam and all.

For someone who really doesn’t like this episode, I’m surprised by the C+.  Why not just give it an F?

I would have loved to have seen the moment that Killmonger realized that someone from Wakanda killed his dad and what that moment did to him at the very beginning.  By the time we see him, he’s been planning it for a long time and are just witnessing the execution of his plan.

Exactly. Like Everett Ross said, Killmonger is trained at destabilizing governments. That involves high level manipulation that a non-solder like Stark would be easily susceptible to.

Funds have to come from taxpayers.  So either the town/county/state needs to up taxes or lower costs elsewhere.  And knowing an uneducated citizenry, they will be against most tax increases without reading who is getting the increase and what the funds will be allocated to.

So what is preventing me from lying in the letter about everything besides my name? If that is what it takes, I’ll pull out all the stops and hope I hit. Then once we sign the contracts at closing, I’ll chuckle at the thousands I saved.

However, watching too much ID TV shows, I probably would get Fear Thy Neighbor

I think TO is pissed about a lot of things.  But probably the one thing was that he showed up after rushing to get back and McNabb didn’t. And it cost TO his best shot at a ring.  I assume someone has done a deep dive into that Super Bowl on Youtube and I’m on my way to find it now.

All of that doesn’t matter. What matters is what’s in the contract and nothing more. What Disney should have done is open the books to ScarJo’s team on the Disney+ numbers and come to a figure that would have included box office numbers based on prior movies.

Yes yes. I like these parallels. That means we might get Nate running down the sidelines after a goal next season or so.  Or Nate getting a job somewhere down the English pyramid. 

Exactly. You need to build some cushion in case the rental property doesn’t have a tenant for x number of months. 

I took it as he was on a spiritual journey.  He was in the dumps and started traveling.  Seeking answers is broad, but plenty of people have done this after major events.  They go to unfamiliar places with renewed courage just to cope.  In this universe, that journey took him to the same place as when he hurt his

I got my Moderna on a military installation and it’s written.  Wife got it at a state vaccination drive and it’s a sticker with a written signature.  So I guess YMMV.

The portions are measured exactly for online orders.  And they aren’t done by the line of people who do the in person orders.  I only scan my barcode at Chipolte and never do a mobile order.  Learned after a few times. 

Recommend that EU countries do.  Some will, some won’t.  And it’s mostly changing it for unvaccinated Americans.

Hillary being Senator really helped. She had no competition once Rudy dropped out. But if he stayed, he could have won ( riding on his 9/11 stuff). If he wins, maybe Hillary doesnt try for office. But her Senate win gets her to SecState and Presidential nominee.