
People forget that he almost became a US Senator on the back of 9/11.  But he got cancer and Rick Lazio happened.  Hillary won in a cake walk. 

It’s simple really.  Avoid Spirit and Frontier at all costs.  The rest, YMMV.

Why so many people use Spirit is beyond me.  Those that do are saying their way of doing business is OK.  So sad.  Awful airline, awful service.  Awful everything.

This show is a true underrated gem that simply does not get talked about. 

We could pay for a plane ticket to a country that has 18+ drinking laws and then buy him a drink there. 

The day my daughter starts pointing out that the team is in the wrong formation is the day I’ll happy cry.

I learned a while ago to not feed ducks and geese in the wild.  Now, if you see them at a zoo and the zoo is offering a specific food item to give to them, that’s different. 

Most definitely.  The daycares by me did no crib sharing, so classroom was very limited.  After the “2's” room, it became bigger (precovid).  By 3 and 4, they do a lot of fun stuff (ice cones, animals come to visit).  Even this year, my daughter’s daycare spent a week on bugs and got to play with cicadas. 

Another 1/4 being Rav4.

If you can, always do interviews with daycares. Look for 3+ and see if they have certifications (state and federal). The ones that are the best by me are the ones used by military families (accreditation is required for them). Also, find out if food is included or not. Our daycare did and some of the other ones we

Some people have no appreciation for the long game.  You are judging a show that isn’t done yet.  Sit back and enjoy it.  3 more episodes to go. 

Came here for this.  Thank you.

Please tell me someone caught Jimmy Woo doing a card drink when he meets Monica.  I had to pause and chuckle at that.  Would hire Jimmy Woo for a party at work.

If the console was a square or rectangle, this same site (and blogger) would call it boring.  Sony took a chance here and I dig it.  It looks like a concept car that actually got released.  I’m sure we will get more details on why they choose certain design aspects (air flow maybe?), but don’t care.  I love it and it

Maybe. But that doesn’t account for new customers. New customers might be the thing that put ps4 over the edge. 

That’s the tough part.  And why reducing the amount of people who currently have COVID is crucial.  Wife and I plan to telework still when the daycares open again to reduce the amount of exposure.

Target pays you a $5 voucher to get the flu shot.  

I highly recommend a soccer jersey or something similar for the water rides. It dries really quickly.  And have your phone in a lifeproof case.  

I will have to go to one and get measurements.  Because I have no doubt that it can fit him just fine in the back seat.  But what does the front seat look like when he’s in it.

How is the room in the back seat on these things?  I ask because currently in my 07 and 10 Corolla, I cant have the car seat behind the driver side due to lack of room. Wife wants a Highlander but I believe it might be too much car for her. If the Rav4 hybrid is roomy in the back, it might be a good option.