
Believe me.  Even on DirecTV which has 2 4K channels, there is just no content yet.  Now, if you have a 4K bluray player, diff story.  But that’s it.  I only bought a new TV because I got my basement done.  And the 32" LCD that was there before got moved into a guest room.

The headline should read:  Don’t buy a new TV is you already have a 4K TV.  But no.  Gotta keep it short and lose valuable article telling information. 

Do you have that pricey video cable for the Gamecube or just the regular Red/White/Yellow cable?

Federal employees have the TSP.

From an outsider, the complaining from Star Wars fan is nauseating. You hated on Lucas for his prequel trilogy. You got so happy when he sold to Disney. And even with that, still complaints. I feel so bad for the people who work on these films that keep getting this backlash.

Always bring an empty bottle thru security. Fill it up after you go thru.  

It’s a legal thing. They have to say it.  I just let it happen. 

You can.  Just buy the older console. Easy. 

See, I didnt see that backlash on the Ocean 8 movie because I think it at least had a connection. But the Ghostbusters movie just totally pretended like the first two never happened.

I can only go by what my opinion is and nothing more. Also, people really care about their childhood movies and they want their legacy protected. If it was not Ghostbusters but another premise with the same actresses and same awful production, it would not be as vitriol. The all female cast had to make sense and not

This.  All this.

It’s quite simple really.  The actresses are all quality.  However, the story was forced and the premise seemed like it was made by a suit to hit a specific demo (or check a box) without having a proper connection to the first two. 

It’s actually between Civil War and Infinity War.  Tho I’m positive that we will get flash backs.


My response to the OP was that maybe in this Marvel Universe, the KGB is still a thing and not rebranded (for lack of a better term) as the FSB.  That is what I was saying. 

I think this is too big of a reach.  I can’t see this being done.

I take it, in their universe, the KGB stayed around a little bit longer in the shadows.

David Harbour on SVU was such an amazing performance. 

What if Taskmaster and Hawkeye have some shared past where they are connected by the training they got?  #mindblown

Hah, you’re right. I picked the wrong series. My bads!