
If he swallows Thanos, does he get his snap powers?  And if so, how does he snap without fingers? 

Born in the US from Peruvian parents. Grew up in Newark. Went to World Cup to cheer on Peru.   But of course that’s a lie too, right?   Since it doesn’t fit your agenda and all.  

My two year old has no idea it exists despite it being in her closet.  I might have to move it soon because I wanna try to give to her when she’s older and won’t destroy it. 

You are actually taking your discount and transferring it into the pockets of your coworkers.

I see your BMW teddy and raise you a Steiff bear from the Hilton in Munich.  It gets no snuggles because it cost me a pretty Euro penny!

I bought a Recaro baby seat because it was Recaro.  Lasted me about 5 months before I sold it to a family in need (on the cheap) and bought a Graco.

I’m sorry. Maybe I should look at my skin color to tell me how to vote. Well, I’m latino. Guess I’ll just be lazy and vote D down the line. Yup. Just be good little minority and bleed blue. Forget educating myself on the candidates. That’s pointless.

I totally understand that battery degradation is a real thing.  Putting battery health in the options is a key piece of information to have.  This will help consumers make decisions based on that info.  Then said consumer can either get new phone or pay for a new battery. 

Even worse, what if I got an X a month before the new phones came out?  You mean to tell me that simply because of the model number that it’s going to be throttled?  Wtf

As you leave, give your passport to the people in the caravan.  I’m sure they will appreciate it much more than you do.

That’s fine.  I will continue to look at each name on the ballot, researching them, and voting accordingly. 

Nah. You got it partially right. The idea, IMO, was to smear Mueller in an attempt to use the MeToo movement and how we are supposed to believe all women who say they have been assaulted. So now, the people rooting for Mueller to come up with something damaging are in a quagmire. Believe the women who say they been

The proper path is from soldier to DoD civilian.  Then you retire early (since you are getting your TSP and pension) and come back as Gov Contractor.  Cash cash cash.

I currently have a 2015 MBP and I’m afraid of what life will be for me on anything newer.  I love having the SD Card slot and I cannot stand dongles.  I plan to keep this MBP and my iPhone 6s for as long as possible.  

I love the SD port on my MBP. I need it!  

MBP or MBA are the only good buys.   Honestly, the only good buy on MBP is the one before they took away all the ports.  

Anker and Aukey cables can be had for cheaper.  $21 is dumb.

It’s crumbling because Apple is a part of the process.  Which is shocking because I expected an Apple successor to the lightning port.  That said, USB-C is still a confusing mess.  But it will get there and Apple will be a part of it.

Yup.  That same DoD one.  I’m not saying it’s great.  But it’s much better than a lot of other government orgs.