
Get me out of the grays/purgatory to talk about this awful night!

Wanna hear something similar? There is a guy with my name (diff middle name) somewhere in CA or CO who puts his email address as firstnamelastname@gmail. My email address is firstnameDOTlastname at gmail. The thing is that Google recognizes both as the same so I get his emails. It was worse when I got into his TurboTax

Most of my calls tend to be for pain management solutions (like a back brace) or the pay down debt scam where they ask for your account number.  Apparently, all of them have my info down as Neal Spears (not even close to my name).  I believe that this idiot just put his number wrong on whatever list and here I am.  I

My favorite moon of our solar system. 

e-words hurt.

Once they went public, that mantra died.

Sounds about right. Pretty much any DAU class will tell you this. Political forces always trumps the logical.

You do understand that the countey has withstood worse.  Or did you not pick up a history boom in school?  

Remember the last time that happened?   It doesn’t work out too well.  

The rape kit indicates they had sex.  It’s now up to the cops to make sure the evidence points to a crime.  And one strong enough that the DA can prosecute.  I wonder if this will go under a grand jury.

I like how everyone forgot that Stanton had a no trade clause and pretty much forced the Marlins to trade him to the Yankees.  Only a certain few can afford his salary.

Go Pixel 2 then.  It’s a great device.  Wife loves it.

IMO, I think the IRS starts to look more into this stuff (if they had the manpower and funding). 

That’s so weird.  It’s probably the same again this year.

I plan to do a modified version of this.  Almost like, just 30 min worth when you get home, go play, dinner, finish HW, play until bedtime.

My almost 2 year old is this way.  She needs a snack.  I picked her up from daycare at 5pm or so and her last snack at daycare is at 3:30 (right after nap time is over).  She is a pouty mess if I don’t give her a snack at 5pm.  I need her calm for an hour while I get dinner ready for 6pm or so.  Once dinner is over,

And what I’m trying to tell you is that they wouldn’t stick like they did under Hillary. People have a very distinct opinion of her, wrongly or rightly. It’s not the same with Bernie. He has a chance to write the narrative in a better way. And his alignment with workers and unions would have helped in the midwest

To be fair, we as a citizenry let it happen.

As a MD resident as of 2010 and living in a Republican county (top 5 in MD), O’Malley barely has support outside of Baltimore and PG County. 

Here’s the thing tho:  With Bernie, it wouldn’t have worked.  He hasn’t been enough in the national spotlight with issues like Hillary has been.  To me, Bernie makes it a closer election since his negatives wouldn’t be compounded like they were with Hillary as the candidate.