
What would the GoFundMe do?  Give her cash for saying words?

He’s a legitimate nominee.  It’s not his fault the Republicans spat in the face of the Constitution with the Garland pick.  Simply put, just give him a vote just like Garland should have been voted on. 

Literal rapists go to jail.  Or does it not work like that anymore?  Should a background check be used before signing up for social media?

Did you see me defend them and agreeing with their ideology?  Nope, didn’t think so.  Go away.

The Ford plant where they make the F150 has been doing this since I took a tour of the place in 2010. 

What if I have the TV and console already? 

Or you could just not eat them and let the world live. 

What’s waiting for him is a clear conscience.  For some, that matters more.  Maybe he’s done well enough that he can sit back and relax. 

The way I see it, I don’t draw a line. If I don’t like what they are saying, I don’t ask for their livlihood to be taken from them. I simply just don’t watch or interact with that person. That’s the key here. Maybe a lib can say: I don’t agree with what they said, but that’s ok. We are allowed to disagree.

Or you can buy one now and maybe help them avoid bankruptcy so they can keep making better products?

I bought my first GoPro four years ago as well for my honeymoon.  It still works great and I got to use it at the World Cup this past summer.  Personally, I think it’s time I upgraded to a new one.  Now, will it be the 7 or the one before it?  That’s the question. 

The problem is that the left have no leg to stand on because they use the same tactics against people they don’t like.  So until the libs grow up and realize words don’t hurt (especially words typed on a page not directed towards them), then maybe things will change. 

So you’re saying that Disney got tricked by the alt-right by using lib tactics?  It’s almost like maybe we should support people like Gunn in the same situation regardless if we like them or not. 

You are using the space it’s intended for.  Simma.

Every once in a while, I look and buy old console controllers in their original box.  I have a Dreamcast, Genesis, SNES, and Nintendo this way.  Unopen.  People like this stuff. 

If you blocked their account, then it looks like they are banned to you since you won’t see them again.  It’s easy.  Try it.

Words hurt.  

Weston McKennie has a good chance of advancing as well with Schalke.

For travel, I usually wear a soccer jersey (with a hoodie if it’s colder) and basketball shorts or sweat pants. Always have Adidas Superstar sneakers.

If he worked at McDonalds, we would avoid that McDonalds?