
The business was happy tho.  Maybe that business should pay their waiters better.

Funny cause that card transaction fee didn’t help =/

This is why I never order soda at a restaurant.  Either water or beer/liquor. 

Lol.  20% is not standard.  If you go by the added gratuity in tourist places like Miami Beach, standard is 17%.  When I get that bill, it stays at 17%.  But if you don’t add it in for me, I put in 20% personally. 

The first person fucking over the waiter is their employer by not paying them minimum wage. 

Exactly.  They are not being direct in their intentions.  It’s simple really.  Ban him and don’t.  Make a decision and stick with it.  

You forgot a gift basket somewhere in there.

If anything, I’m bashing on Twitter for being a confused mess. This “suspension” does nothing.

Shareholders care about cash.  And if Jones makes cash for the company and doesn’t cost them, they celebrate in their dividend parties. 

Oh I know it has to be legit reasons. But I expect those who want Jones banned to advocate when someone they support breaks the rules as well. But sadly, the public doesn’t work that way. They want to suppress people they hate and will fight for people they love while avoiding their principles.

I think when I say “spew his crap” means that I don’t support him.  Good try though.  Thank you for being a part of the problem with this country. Must love division, eh?

Remember when Google removed the “Do No Evil” mantra?  Sure Corporate Citizenship is a part of it.  But in this world, short term shareholders hold a lot of the cards.  And they demand profits!

Evil according to you.  See how that works? 

You’re on to something...

Another way that LA will add to their traffic nightmare.  No scanners in my personal vehicle.

My issue is that the Alex Jones followers will now use it as an excuse to campaign on taking down left leaning accounts if they break Twitter rules.

Agreed. A confession is one thing. But hard core evidence to back it up is another. I mean overwhelming evidence.

This.  To me, the death penalty should only be reserved for the most obvious of violent crimes.  I’m talking video tape, confession, a ton of evidence.  And then the death penalty should be swift.  None of this waiting 10-20 years.  Nope, your actions have cost you your right to live among any society, even a jailed

If you want to believe that the left don’t spew hate at all and are complete saints, sure.  Enjoy the fantasy world.  You do not want Twitter to now have to start listening to arguments from the right on banning left leaning accounts if they foul on a rule/guideline.  So be careful what you wish for because it just

You act like that’s the only rule in the Twitter guidelines.