
See what happens when you go public?  You now have to allow money making to get in the way of your ideals. 

What a hilarious half measure. Either you give him free reign to spew his crap or you don’t. Simple.

When I was in Kazan, Russia for the World Cup, my reservation was not comfortable at all. Literally took a nap, packed up again, went online and found a hotel. Booked it and found better accommodations. Sometimes, last minute same day saves you and works in your favor.

Did you add how many matches Rooney played during international breaks and tournaments? 

It’s def illegal.  I had coworkers who did this with their kids.  I really thought about turning them in partially cause there was a reward and also because I’m against this whole thing in principle.  

You sure can!

Don’t do the public school thing.  You are cheating a district out of more funding this way.  No good.  

Of course.  Then the government has to do its job to verify claims.  And keep families together as it does such. 

So here’s the thing:  there are plenty of families who are going to the border requesting asylum with legit claims.  So shut your mouth with your insensitivity. 

Don Harvey

Why not just not watch Roseanne’s show?  Simple answer. 

Michael Richards tirade was in anger and not part of his set.  Big diff.

That would be fine, but it has to work the other way too. Sadly enough, it doesn’t.  You have the baseball player going through this and Deadspin made fun of the people supporting him the next time he pitched. 

Look at the actor who plays the cab driver.  That’s a clue that this isn’t the last we see of him. 

Salary caps are dumb.  Let owners give major cash to whoever they want.  

I usually get my drinks on my walk back from the bathroom. 

I paid extra for this and it was worth it.  I got that ish on Bluray too!

Yes this!  Get the sweetheart table and make it higher up than the rest of the tables.  You get a great view of the party. 

This.  Our time alone was after the ceremony which was cocktail hour.  Our maitre d took great care of us and brought up food and drinks for us at our alone time.  This is also when we did the signing of the marriage certificates by our witnesses.  That alone time was so worth it. 

Awwwwwwww. Someone’s offended by a person they will never EVER meet or know personally. Your life surely just crumbled.