Bmore Molly got a new name

Nah. This is 100% fitting with the public perception of her sense of humor and interactions with the people working for and around her. It wasn’t told as part of a tell-all expose. My guess is the anecdote is well known aroudn Buckingham Palace, and the story was leaked to encourage a lighthearted reminder of just how

I’m getting ready to finish graduate degree #2, and re-enter the job market in a field that is far more formal than I’m used to (moving from traditional public health/epid research (business casual at most) to surgical research (business formal when not wearing scrubs, and I don’t get to wear scrubs)). I just ordered

I suspect a lot of the TV money goes to logistics for the event (and to regional events throughout the year), and to the NHSCC organization. Also maybe to prize money for the winning schools? But yeah, it would be nice if the organization involved had some system to support cheer teams from low-income communities.

Wow. Who pissed in your cornflakes? I was in band in high school (marching and concert). We attended one out of state competition each year - it was definitely a privilege, and the socioeconomic profile of the school made it possible. The competition wasn’t hugely important, and it wasn’t a huge honor to attend or win

And Gabrielle Union. Wouldn’t surprise me at all if those three (and others from Bring it On) make significant contributions.

I love Anthony Bourdain, but also tend to disregard his opinion on other chefs/food personalities unless he has actually met them in person. He’s an asshole who spouts off a lot without actually knowing the full situation. He used to shit all over Rachel Ray, then they met in person, and it turns out they have a lot

Thank you. I cringed when I saw the recommendation for skim milk. I’ve always used full fat cheese and dairy products, but only recently converted from skim to whole milk. I started weaning myself off diet soda last summer - Diet Coke had been my primary source of caffeine since high school (so 20+ years). At first I

And I’m willing to bet the eggs spoil faster at room temperature in Costa Rica than at room temperature in France. My point was not that people in hot climates don’t (or shouldn’t) keep food at room temp. I was replying directly to a comment on shelf life, and pointing out that differences in climate likely contribute

Yes. Going all the way back to toddlerhood, I never felt satisfied after eating. My babysitter once commented in amazement about how many servings of green beans I would eat. She kept serving, and I kept eating. My mom had to tell her to use her best judgement and only serve as much as she thought a child should eat -

While some Americans do put everything in the refrigerator, I don’t think it’s common or typical to refrigerate bread here. I don’t know anyone who routinely keeps bread in the fridge. I will keep bread in the freezer if I know I’m not going to use the whole loaf before it goes bad.

It’s worth noting that “room temperature” varies greatly by region. Room temperature during summer months will be warmer in a hot climate, even with air conditioning. Home A/C units are typically only going to cool a home to 2o degrees (F) below the outside temp - for me, that means room temp is often in the 75-80

I agree - just look at the success of Great British Baking Show. No need to manufacture tension. But, American reality TV producers don’t seem to get this. Manufactured drama is the hallmark of American reality/competition TV. I’m not sure exactly when/why it started - the early years of The Real World were pretty

Because someone, somewhere told them they needed drama for the show.

There is no reason for anyone with halfway decent credit to pay foreign transaction fees. There are far too many mainstream, basic cards that offer fee-free travel. Most surprisingly, the Target Mastercard has no foreign transaction fees, and also had true Chip/PIN authentication (as opposed to the chip and signature

The Baltimore Pride festival/parade was a just a few days after the attack in Nice. There was a notable change in security practice - in the past, BPD controlled traffic on cross streets, and allowed traffic to cross during periodic breaks in the parade. After the Nice attack, no more cross traffic. The city parked

We read The Lottery in high school. My school had a really great program that combined language/literature and social studies (civics/history) classes. Teachers were partnered at each grade level and developed parallel syllabi. Classes were paired in blocks so we could periodically have combined 2-hour sessions for

At least he wasn’t an archduke. Right?

I was also born and raised in NC (to a family that has been in NC for more 300 years), I was deeply involved in state politics until I moved away in 2013. I’ve known Roy Cooper since I was in high school.

They were also very open with their racist motivations for imposing voter ID requirements and limiting early voting, and that didn’t work out very well.

No, historically the Republicans have not had a stranglehold on NC. McCrory is only the third Republican governor since 1901, and 2010 marked the first time Republicans controlled the state legislature since Reconstruction.