Bmore Molly got a new name

Just got trained for it at work. Crank down until no blood flow and leave in place until a physician removes it. It will probably hurt. You can also have it on for up 48 hours and not loose the limb.

Whatever you do, don’t use a belt as a tourniquet.

Is the fouler any good? I wanna know if hes gonna choose Notre Dame or Duke

Didn’t realize Grayson Allen had a younger brother.

If adoption leads to a child in a loving safe environment, I am all for it. We are white and adopted a young man from S.E. Asia. Not that there aren’t challenges that pop up across racial lines, but for me his presence in my life has removed tons of blind spots. (Get me rolling on media representation some time. Or

funny, i’ve always found it to be the reverse. As a southerner I grew up with aggressive education about racism and THAT WORD, and have always found people in other parts of the country are much more casually racist, like they get a “pass” for not being from the south.

Nobody cares what you find attractive. That’s not what this is about.

Pretty sure the Black folks in Baltimore (which is where she’ll be competing for votes) know plenty about imperialism and colonialism and racism and how shitty this country is. Also know that having some white girl from Nebraska show up asking for votes without ever being part of the community is closely related to

Inspire other transgendered people to take up public service? Like all of the other transgendered people that are already doing that? The ones who realistically started at small town/state levels instead of just deciding to jump into a US Senate race?

Um. . . Trump is racist AF and he is a Yankee. He is from New York.

Maybe then our tax money will be used on us instead of supporting states that enact racist, sexist, and anti-LGBTQ policies and ignore the lower classes.

The Klan was extremely popular during the 1920s, they were everywhere and had chapters in every state. Hell, they had chapters in Canada.

With respect, might I suggest a counter-proposal.

I hope this triggers his victims to speak up. Because I have no doubt that he has a long list of sexual harassment/assault victims as well as race based harassment/assault victims. This is the douche who created Entourage and didn’t mind telling you that it was based on his life because he could see no problem with

I was the fat kid. My brother and sister were normal. I don’t know what it is but I don’t think it’s the parents. Some of us are just broken. Sorry, that’s probably not much help. It’s just the conventional food narrative drives me crazy. I grew up in a home where my mom cooked proper meals from scratch and we sat

Sorry, but that’s not even close to true. Hell, Grover Cleveland went so far as to buy his way out of serving in the Civil War.

Oh dang I’ve never heard the trig story before.

Ike and Washington were both inexperienced and they did fine. How bout just no more sociopathic narcissists.

The notion that one must “see” combat first hand to have PTSD is a serious misconception and is big reasons many of us veterans struggle to get the benefits we earn.

But most hotel rooms in the US also have chains or similar devices on the door so you can keep people from walking in when you are physically in the room. Unless they are also removing those you should be good.