Bmore Molly got a new name

If you have a tourniquet AND you know how to use it, then go for it (note - knowing how to use one includes knowing when to use one). If you do not know how to use a tourniquet, it’s better to apply pressure than to waste time/blood with an ineffective tourniquet application. Do not use belts as improvised

Things have changed/the scouts were wrong. The tourniquet should be as tight as possible. If you can fit two fingers between the patient’s skin and the tourniquet, it isn’t tight enough to stop arterial bleeding. If you have a purpose-made tourniquet and you know how to use it, then go for it. If you don’t have one or

I’m so glad he took the step beyond housing/neighborhood discrimination and addressed the implications for school segregation as well. As much as people are clueless about historic redlining, they are really oblivious to their own contributions to modern day segregation.

It’s actually a no personal cell phone policy, as reported extensively here and elsewhere a few weeks ago.

Legality and admissibility varies from state to state

Umm... did we go to college together? I also had a neighbor with an Olsen twins poster and countdown calendar. He happened to be a high school classmate, and I felt pretty comfortable telling him it wasn’t gross. Our friendship didn’t last past winter break.

They don’t offer much protection, but they are pretty effective at reducing spread of virus from people who are already sick. Believe it or not, many people wear them as a courtesy to others, and not as a benefit to self.

Yep. White southerners with any lick of sense do not use that word casually. If they are using that word, it’s because they 100% know the power and implications of it, and they are deliberately using it to hurt others. In my experience as a southerner who moved north, southern whites are far more attuned to overt and

I’m way too excited to see someone from Martin County on Gizmodo. I’m from Tyrrell County :waves:

I don’t care about the TP holder, but the iPad mount would be pretty useful for watching TV while taking a bath...

My granddad smoked 2packs a day for 60 years and lived to 80. Smoking definitely caused the respiratory distress that killed him, but he never had cancer and didn’t have any major health problems until the last 6 months of his life. His older brother was a chain smoking alcoholic and heroin addict, yet he lived to 95.

They filmed that scene in the Charles Center metro stop in Baltimore. I caught the train there every day for years, and it creeped me out after I saw that HoC episode.

Want to reduce gang revenue from marijuana? Legalize and regulate growing, distribution, and sales. No one actually wants to buy through a dealer. It’s easier, cheaper, and safer to just stop by a store while you’re out running errands. (Just make sure the regulation process is fair and transparent, which is a whole

They take the expected incidence of pregnancy for healthy/fertile women having unprotected sex, and compare it with the observed incidence of pregnancy for healthy/fertile women who used EC as directed/indicated following unprotected sex.

Dear Jimmy,

In Baltimore, all kids get free breakfast and lunch. During the Obama administration, the Feds adopted a new rule that lets school districts implement universal free breakfast/lunch if a certain proportion of kids in the district qualify (60%, I think?). The idea being that it’s cheaper/easier to just feed everyone

Knowing the special level of dysfunction in Baltimore, BPD would probably arrest round of parents who kept their kids home and charge them with neglect and/or contributing to the delinquency of a minor.

Self serve gas does not equate to unattended gas stations. In the 48 states that do have self service gas stations, even those in very remote areas, most gas stations still have at least one employee on premises to keep an eye on things. Do you honestly think the rest of the country has a huge problem with people

I expect the Pyongyang airport (or at least the part you would see) is pretty nice. Fresh paint on rust, and all that jazz...

And I can see every both the Obamas and Harry/Meghan being gracious enough to roll with. They know where they stand with each other. Barack and Michelle will send them a nice gift and take them out for dinner, but skip the big public spectacle.