Bmore Molly got a new name

No, no. They care about non-white fetuses. It just they run out of fucks for non-white lives as soon as the umbilical cord is cut.

NC is a funny case. It used to be relatively moderate on a national level, and downright progressive compared to other Southern states. McCrory was the first Republican governor in a generation, and only the third since 1901. The 2010 Republican takeover in the state legislature was the first time the R’s controlled

Better idea for someone with time, skill, and an etsy shop - make strands of garland with beads shaped like candy. 

Actually, given NC’s history, the next governor is more likely to be a Democrat. McCrory was the first R governor in 20 years, and only the 3rd since 1901. He won largely because his predecessors Mike Easley and Bev Purdue were terrible - both corrupt and inept. The NC Democratic party shit the bed when they

Over Thanksgiving, I attempted to tell to my mother that the era of Baby Boomer presidents needed to end. I pulled up lists of all the current Dem governors and members of Congress, and naming all of the Gen-X options. She kept countering with names of people in their late 60's/early 70's. I love her dearly, and she

Or just make a frittata.

I had the same reaction. She wears short/tight/booby clothing. She dances and listens to secular music. She has on-screen kisses, meaning she kissed a man other than her husband, and allowed her (unmarried) character to kiss an (unmarried) man. Kirk won’t kiss on screen unless the characters are married in the story

I’m pretty damn white, and it’s one of my favorite Christmas songs. Of course, I also use washcloths (fresh one every day), and know that the only appropriate topping for baked macaroni and cheese is more cheese, so it’s safe to say I defy I a lot of race/cultural expectations.

Mornings, both for hair styling reasons (I don’t shampoo everyday, but I do rinse/condition daily), and because it helps me wake up. I feel gross and sticky all day if I don’t shower in the morning.

I spend 1/3 of my time writing stats code, interpreting/writing up results from said code, and 1/3 grading papers and writing tedious regulatory docs. I have very different preferences/sets up each.

I have a lot of friends who never learned to cut the label and remove the top part covering the cork, so they just leave the entire label intact and use the cork screw to pull the cork through the label. It results in jagged/ripped labels and frequently broken corks. They also don’t know how to open sparkling wine,

I ride the bus past that Popeye’s every day and always laugh a little.

I’m frantically writing my dissertation so I can (hopefully) graduate in May. As a graduation present to myself, I’ve been planning a trip to Asia centered around a stop in Taipei to visit a friend. Also planing stops in Tokyo, Hong Kong, and possibly Seoul. The original plan was to travel in June, before I start my

My mom lives 1/2 mile from the world’s largest naval installation and NATO headquarters in Norfolk.

I’m a grad student living in Baltimore. It’s somewhat common for students in my program to move to DC once they finish coursework - there’s no reason to live in Baltimore while writing a dissertation, and DC is close enough for easy commuting once or twice a week. Last night, one of my close friends said he was

My stepdad died a few years ago. I had moved about a year before, away from the community where I lived for 13 years (from age 17 to 30), so I was hours away from most of my social support network (my family is amazing, but they were also grieving). My circle of close women friends pitched in and sent a peace lily and

Send a card, including your regrets for not reaching out sooner. That’s all you need to do. You can certainly make a donation if you wish, but I wouldn’t necessarily let the family know unless you are donating to an organization they specifically identified as one they support (i.e. “in lieu of flowers, the family

My aunt does this, but she asked which subscription I wanted first. I get Bon Appetite. My cousins (her sons) get The Economist and Scientific American.

No pregnant and never have been, but I can/do smell ozone during lightning storms, and sometimes in subway stations after a train passes by. My building had a minor fire in the basement a few years ago - it was an electrical fire, and I knew there was something wrong when I could smell ozone coming from the outlet

Not a clog. That’s Sherlock’s Persian slipper. It’s where he keeps his tobacco.