Bmore Molly got a new name

I’m not sure about the transition team, but he cannot appoint them to positions in the Executive Branch.

Congratulations. You got a paper trail. I did not. I also didn’t get any explanation of what the card was or how it worked. I’m not dumb or blind. I voted, handed back the card, and went home. No paper ballot. None.

Obama is the first president to routinely use a computer or email. It was actually kind of a big deal to set up the systems needed for a POTUS email account.

The GOP barely controls the Senate. The do not have enough votes to amend the Constitution.

Sign. I take oral contraceptives to control PCOS symptoms. An IUD will prevent unwanted pregnancy, but it won’t stop me from being a giant walking zit with a beard.

Well, hopefully only two years, until the 2018 midterms, at which point we get out the progressive vote for a change and take back the House. But yes, I expect the new Congress will obstruct Trump almost as much as they obstructed Obama. We may even see some old fashioned bi-partisan agreements, especially as the

If the president could dismiss the Speaker of the House at will, we wouldn’t have had to deal with McConnell or Ryan. In theory, Trump has some influence as the symbolic head of the party, but I’m not sure that theory is going to play out. He’s too crazy for the mainstream Republicans and too “liberal” for the tea

I just switched mine to Green Mountain

I can tell you how it’s working out for my budget - I’m paying for Netflix for streaming, and use it for at least 75% of my streaming content. I’m paying for Amazon Prime for shipping perks, and the streaming is an added bonus. I’m generally OK waiting for TV shows to make it to either streaming service. If I’m

My mom lives in Norfolk. She said you could hear the collective gasp across the city when Trump starting talking about nuclear weapons and hinting that he wouldn’t honor NATO obligations. I suspect he lost a lot of the military brass over that. I would say many will vote for Johnson, but I think “what’s an Aleppo”

I think it’s a reasonable standard to let anyone with Secret Service protection but the line. There are a few exceptions - Joe Biden waited in line in Delaware in 2012 (my parents voted in the same precinct), and apparently Tim Kaine waited in line today.

Update - stickers for everyone! The line to check in took about 15 minutes, mostly spent outside. One of the judges kept poking his head out the door to thank everyone for their patience and assure us there were plenty of stickers. Another 20 minutes in line to actually get into a booth and fill out my ballot, and I

I left NC in 2013, and only ever voted in Orange County (starting in 2002). We always had optical scan. As far as I know Wake County always had optical scan ballots through 2010 (when my parents moved away). Can’t speak for any other counties.

Hence the “if all else fails” part of my post

And another thing... If poll workers have trouble finding your name on the roll or otherwise turn you away, insist that they check all possible lists, including a statewide system to see if you are registered but need to go to a different polling place. If all else fails, insist on a provisional ballot.

Can I just say that I hate touch screen voting? I’ve only used it once, for my first time voting in MD in 2014. Before that, all of my voting was in NC using optical scans. Thankfully, Maryland switched to optical scan paper ballots. I like having a physical paper trail, and really did not like saving my vote to a

She wasn’t, but I think many Jews place stones on her grave. I also think the practice of placing stones is becoming more common among non-Jews. I adopted the practice years ago, especially when visiting the graves of historic figures I admire.

My precinct ran out of stickers by 9am on primary day :( I really hope they have enough on hand tomorrow. My polliing place is at a fire statsion - If I don’t get a sticker, I at least get to take a selfie with the firefighters.

Your source is saying that margin between the number of ballots cast by registered Dems and those cast by registered Reps is less that 7,000. 5.7 millions “votes” in this case is the number of people who have voted, but not a count of the actual votes. It is illegal in Florida to post election results or vote counts

And then there’s the ACC expansion to include Louisville and (more or less) Notre Dame