
One caveat to that, as I’ve spent all of my career in the industry and been part of several launches: I wouldn’t necessarily be opposed to ramp to J1 or right at J1 vehicle. The reason being, those cars that are held prior to OKTS/OKTB are combed over by an army of people to look for quality issues. What I wouldn’t

They’d still be slow enough to not be within the 107% that would allow the car to qualify.

And yet, every time they start from the back or near the back, they are able to dice through traffic.

QS Ultimate Durability is a good oil made by Pennzoil and performs similar to their Ultra Platinum oil.

Not all oils rated the same have the same kinematic viscosity, and they vary wildly on CCS and cold flow.

Gen 2 (2015-2017) Ford Coyote 5.0L will become a fairly sought-after engine. It’s very tough, loves to breathe and is reliable to 800 hp on stock internals. There are very few things needed to go into 4 digits safely.

That thing is so majestic.

I adore the A-10. My favorite fact about that thing is that they can’t fire the gun for too long, else it could stall.

When you can replicate the tactile feel and low-attention-required by knobs/buttons on a touch screen, I’ll be interested.

I have not, but I know I'd hate it. The rest of the driving experience could be (and by all accounts is) excellent/amazing and that would still stop me from wanting one as a daily car. 

Yes, having everything on a non-autonomous vehicle on a touchscreen IS stupid. Until we don’t have to be engaged in the driving experience, a control that requires you to take your eyes off the road to use (and concentrate, because finger placement needs to be reasonably precise) is a bad idea. I have a 2015MY car and

Tell me the steps from turning on the car to engaging intermittent wiper speeds/adjusting the wiper settings.

The mistake you made was not buying a manual.

Yeah, when you have to go 3 menus deep to get to the wipers, you’ve lost me. F THAT.

Yes it’s meant to be a replacement for the 6.8 V10. 

It’s shocking how much more attractive this is than the Silverado HD.

The Bears made them look like this too.

Call me old-fashioned, but I don’t care for voice controls. 

Please never equate me with that disgusting dotard.

That just makes them fools ;)