
That assumes two things.

Until it’s actually in an exec order or legislation, it’s ALWAYS just throwing numbers out there.

I think he knows, but he’s working on the fact that the people who support him don’t.

I was thinking about this last night and wondered if those magat dipshits had any idea of the unintended consequences of overturning the 22nd Amendment. Their pyrite god can now run for a third term, of course the Democratic candidate is now Barack Obama. Since he is actually a decent human being, he’d probably give

And we worried about President Biden being unfit. God help us.

It’s not.

Also, if you were so unfortunate to watch his speeches for the overflow crowds, you would have witnessed a brain dump from a senile old man. All I heard was mumble, mumble, mumble, Nancy Pelosi 10,000 troops, mumble, mumble, mumble. Nothing of substance, just a stream of consciousness while looking sidecocked at the

The mere fact that he said “we’re thinking 25%” just shows he’s just throwing numbers out there. He has no idea. A serious person would have a hard number and a reason for the tariff they’re implementing in... hey, about two weeks!

It is not a joke ... dear god.

Unsure if this is a joke or not... Afraid to Google and find out.

Scum like this seem to last a long time for whatever reason. 

Earlier in the day, Trump said in his inaugural address that “instead of taxing our citizens to enrich other countries, we will tariff and tax foreign countries to enrich our citizens.”

It wont end after 4 years if he’s still alive.  There’s zero chance he’s giving up the throne before he’s worm-food.  We’re lucky if we’ll even get actual midterm elections in 2 years.

The fucker has to die at some point. And the last images I’ve seen of him haven’t painted a rosy prognosis. 

I mean at this point, logic is all out the door. We’re watching the American voter do the equivalent of Wile E. Coyote opening an explosive present. This is what they wanted, they’ll have to deal with it. However, I’m sure they’ll still be happy with their dear leader.

It’s gonna be a long four years, folks.

That’ll show those crooks for being in (checks notes) Donald Trump’s US, Canada, and Mexico Trade Agreement!

Even the minister who said the prayer at the inauguration has launched a crypto coin, $LORENZO. The money changers really have taken over the temple.

The grift in this administration is going to be mind-blowing. He and the first Mattress Pad have already launched their crypto currencies, and that, I’m sure, is just the beginning. Truly a sad new era for America.

Buckle up, my friends. Let the fuckery commence. Shit.