Wife material. Literally the woman you will die with...
Wife material. Literally the woman you will die with...
I like how the front end looks very angry, all “GRR GET OUT OF MY WAY” and the back end looks, “OMG, wuut? did just pass you?! no way!”
why do i feel strangely non-plussed? I guess I was expecting actual acceleration.. not just a slow pull-away. that speed differential looked like something between a bmw 325i, and a 335i... definitely not an M3 even. (I had to use a frame of reference everyone could understand)
He unfolded a wrapped package of supermarket deli turkey and was eating full slices, sometimes shoving and entire slice in his mouth, sometimes biting off multiple pieces of a slice. Really jarring stuff.
In 2004, we were in London, catching an early morning subway ride to the train station. My wife and I were the only two in the car when a man stumbled on carrying a handful of paper, a travel bag and the odor of someone still good and drunk from the night before.
Only loose shavings from the supermarket deli, him reachinh into the zippered pouch like he would with beef jerky or chew?
in 1990, the BBC played one episode of a television program called “Heil Honey, I’m Home!” a sitcom that portrayed Hitler and Eva Braun living next to a jewish couple https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heil_Hone…
It took a bit longer than I thought to find but here it is in full glory, sniff is toward the end.
Now we know what happens when Swedish marketing execs take peyote.
I was talking about the miata drive haha. I have a 94’ miata and want to see what the new one is like very badly. Ill be at the Friday party for sure!!
Seems to me they already have the solution: Make the cars permanently enter that emissions test mode. I’m sure it’s a reduction in power, but that will likely be the only effect, aside from maybe more crud that needs periodic cleaning due to cooler burn temps.
I drive a Prius. Does this negate every single “shoulda bought a diesel bro” comment on Jalopnik I’ve been forced to read over the past 10 years?
Why buy either when you can just drive the car you own into a tree or wall for a lot less money?
Hell, I’ve put my Jag sideways before because of not paying attention around a corner in the rain. I can’t imagine how a vehicle with probably 650+ more usable hp/tq would be.
I want to try it once, but that’s about it.
How in the fuckity fuck is it 2015 and some ingenious asshole hasn’t created a fake vagina specifically for this with sensors and doodads that ring a loud noise and say things out loud like “That isn’t the vagina, wrong hole moron.”
I was on the other end of a similar story, though I wasn’t quite as wise as your customer. A long time ago I shared a beach house for week with a bunch of friends. My car was parked in for the week and when I went to leave it wouldn’t start. I couldn’t figure it out myself and called a tow truck/mechanic. He crawled…