
Aja was definitely bottom 2 this week. I think Farah Moan was probably the worst and I think Kimora was third worst. But Kimora deserved to go home the most. I'm not sure why she turned up to this show, I don't think she watches it. Perhaps someone told her it was a good way to get better known.

I could see most of this dialogue delivered hilariously and perfectly by Dan Stevens.

3 and 4 were my favourite eps of the season.

Stops reading, listens to VU.

The Reluctant Fundamentalist was also great. Looking forward to this.

I love this film.

As a maths teacher in the UK I am faced constantly by adult colleagues who need help navigating IT systems that seem overwhelmingly alienating to them. Jobcentreplus itself actively tries to alienate people seeking to apply for wellfare in this country, so the decision to be "digital by default" is clearly an

The X-Force/X-Statix run is the best. Give the Allreds all the books.

Oh, I agree with that too. Marvel needs to write some worthwhile female characters into their films in much more meaningful ways. I'm mainly irked by the general critical webs' insistence that Kaecilius is poorly drawn out, when he clearly has a personality and a perspective and that perspective fulfils an important

I completely agree that she didn't have enough to do, and we don't see enough of her life in general, but I see her character (one note as it is) defined by the desire to help whoever needs her help and that she puts her all into doing that. I don't particularly feel as though her personality is driven by her feelings

This review is pretty lazy as far as exploring supporting character. Perhaps you were so busy reading other reviews and looking at the visuals you forgot to pay attention? I would like everyone to know Mads' character has more motivation and a more profound intellectual effect on the hero's (and the other supporting

6. I don't think Roxxxy would be safe in any other week here. Her looks and performance are fine, but Alyssa's were better. She was in the bottom 2 of a top 5 week. When the numbers thin, the competition elevates and the only weeks she would have been safe with what she did were early ones. The person who was robbed

(They don't really get better, but you get used to it)

Diamondback's character really feels like it belongs in a different show.

It was the thing I was most debating in my head, Phi Phi was better in the acting challenge but still really fucking boring. And Roxxxy's runway was beautifully executed. I figure one thing I think is actually good, over two things I think are just ok.

Queen Ranking for this episode:

As someone who really enjoyed Throne of Blood after seeing and reading Macbeth and knowing that it was exactly the same story, I can honestly say, knowing the outcome of a film is not a factor in whether or not it has dramatic tension. That's all on the directing. (And the prequels could have been great, they just

Eh, it's no Thomas Demand

You have won the least-aware-about-your-own-country's-history-and-present award today! well done!

Iron Fist was a blow to diversity in a very different way to this. With Iron Fist they took a white character whose race could have been changed but they chose to keep it close to the comics, I call that a missed opportunity. Here they altered a comics character, making him female (yay!) but also making her white