
My first: Journey to the Centre of the Earth. Which was all around bad, but my boyfriend at the time wanted to see it.

So, it doesn't seem to matter that I love the 80/85% of this list I've seen, the presence of United 93 somehow makes it incredibly (irrationally, obviously) untrustworthy. I hate that film, find it offensive even, almost as much as I like everything else on here combined. I find it emotionally manipulative and

Hawkeye shoots an arrow with Ant-Man on it! Whoop.

Acid Betty was god awful in this role. My vote for worst performance and 2nd worst runway look. All of it was just tired.

The Flash and Arrow get a lot of props for feeling like actual comics, with done in one storylines forming the weekly focus while the season-long themes play out in the background, finally coming into focus towards the end of the season (see also Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.). But i think that's a feature of most procedural

I'm up to 8 and the first two were definitely the worst/slowest for me. The pacing is soooooo much better. and the way they're weaving storylines makes them far less complicated than they could be. Still, it opens solidly.

"Reviewing-wise, Oliver Sava’s back doing twice-weekly reviews"

Miles Teller is the worst idea in the history of bad casting ideas. This guy cannot do comedy, he can only barely do pouty.

The Other died, Ronan snapped his neck in GotG. But I'm certain a few new characters will present themselves as substitutes. Moondragon maybe?

Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt was the worst of all those comedies… still good, but nowhere near top 20 material.


Now finding out that Jessica Jones and Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt are in the top 20. I think this is the most I've disagreed with an AV Club list. I like both those shows but they had deep flaws.

Looking and Broad City released two of my favourite television seasons ever this year. This shows that critics memories are short and easily distracted by the most recent shiny thing they've seen. Also, this season of GoT was deplorable.

Marvel isn't doing with the x-men, but Captain America: Sam Wilson is. It also seems likely that Ta-Nehisi Coates will deal with it directly in Black Panther and that David Walker will have some of it in Power Man and Iron Fist. Given Coates' work at The Atlantic and Walker's work on Cyborg over at DC.

I agree with many of the points here, but can we take a line to recognise: a) the phenomenally awesome run Aaron had on Wolverine and the X-Men? He brought an amazing sense of what makes the franchise compelling and used the lesser known mutants incredibly well. and b) while the flagship x-books were flailing, there

Does anyone else read Winn as gay? I do it subconsciously and so its jarring whenever he pines for Kara. any one?

My 7 year old self loved both Dinosaurs and Dinosaucers.

I have vocally been very outraged by both the character and the teenaged stage-production acting of Robyn. but in no universe is she worse than Kilgrave. She's a blight on the writing, a forced contrivance that feels it on every level.

Robyn is too flat as a character. She's a caricature and she's only used to drive plot. What's worse is she's always conveniently able to move action along (knocking Jessica out, being crazy enough to free Kilgrave even after listening to the Survivor's Club talk about their experience, getting to Kilgrave first,