
I have wanted to see Radiohead live since I was a teenager in the late 90s. I’ve been in the uk for three years now and they’ve played once, I waited in a digital queue for 4 hours and waited online for an hour before tickets went live refreshing and still didn’t get tickets. So to the last paragraph of this article I

Eureka’s speech left me incredibly cold, as did her runway look. Essentially,I don’t think Eureka has moved passed the age of the young David in the photo. Everything she’s done this season has been a form of channelling baby energy. She danced not at all during her lip sync, as her choreography consisted of her

Yawn. The winner edits took everything out of this season. And a great idea for a challenge was terribly executed.

It won’t let me connect to facebook. I already HATE kinja

He definitely had a job with the other three at the BBC on a new show. It was widely reported at the time. Stop doing traitorous things Hollywood and we'll stop calling you a traitor.

Get Out was full of late reveals too. He gives you all the clues to work out specific plot points and then flat out tells you them for no good reason. I don't particularly mind the lack of subtlety in the larger story beats (because the race themes are an important point to convey to as wide an audience as possible)

Disqualified for lack of Arca.

Valentina reminded me a lot of Tyra Sanchez. But the real point I want to make is Ru showcases a different type of drag queen, one who represents a different part of the drag language, every season as a winner. (I for one think Ongina was robbed, not of a win, but Rebecca Glasscock was so fucking boring in the episode

Shea's looks have been mostly pretty underwhelming. Not bad, but seldom great. And I think that's the problem with the "Black Excellence" reading of her perspective: she's the most talented person in the season, but it never came together in a cohesive whole because everything was very good, but seldom ever pushed to

No Season 2 reviews?

Keep? It's happened twice, once in Red Son and once in the Injustice series. Am I missing something?

Aja failed to make me watch her during the lipsync. I kept trying, but Nina was doing small subtle variations on different styles, emotionally connected to the song and made me smile more than once. She clearly won that challenge by the all the rules Ru looks for. You all are tripping.

I care when it's the drag skill that put her in the bottom two to begin with.

This grade feels bizarre. David Erlich wrote an entire piece about seeing this film, it being great and that Netflix wasn't doing enough to a) promote their films and b) get them screened in cinemas.

Ginj and Katya were both at a disadvantage. There season had just ended when they filmed All Stars 2 and there wasn't much time to hone their craft in light of their internet fans/critics. I didn't think she was very good in her own season anyway, but she definitely hadn't had the time to find her identity post

Cynthia's lip-sync was a good performance, but she fucked up the words again a lot. I don't think they could show more without drawing attention to the fact. Farrah obviously is out of her depth now, but Cynthia being unable to actually lip-sync is a real problem.

Oliver, is your calling Michelle "Alexis" a read? or where you not quite thinking when you typed "Alexis: “These plain pink bottoms are getting boring!” Carson: “I’m right here!”"?

Despite her performance tonight being adequate to bad (which is a step up for her) and her noble attempt to right her wrongs, I think Eureka is not a loss to the season and I'm already less excited for Season 10. She didn't really bring it to the show in any episode and has mainly just been an awful presence. I'm

Having now watched the episodes under review here, the only question I have is "how on earth did anyone hire you to give your opinions on television?"

Three things: