
Calling someone a hipster for liking Radiohead is basically the equivalent of calling someone a hipster for liking the Beatles. Hipster used to have some sort of a meaning, now it’s just a term for people who care about stuff you don’t.

WTF was up with Asia’s like construction paper turquoise that felt more American Southwest than Egyptian (not a knock, just a different reference point)? I loved the idea (and she or Kameron are who I hope to be crowned (I don’t like Eureka’s casual racism and Aquaria feels like the epitome of pay to win)), but the

So you enjoy putting people who care about fairness and decency through hell for your own amusement? You must have loved voting in 2016.

OMG when they said Kameron’s outfits looked like a costume (which they did) and then went on to praise Eureka’s Clueless Halloween costume I wanted to scream. I liked the throughline of her outfits but that schoolgirl outfit looked cheap. Go back to Party City with that shit, Eureka.

I just don’t get Aquaria. The judges just eat her up. But that evil outfit was hideous. What was with the random bones? And it had no yin-yang or whatever that the judges seem to be looking for. And the gloves and apron made it more costume-y than Kameron. And I don’t get that criticism for Kameron. It looked cool! We

I guess I don’t really care about any of the remaining queens this season, so that’s probably it for me. Aside from AS3, has the show always been so obviously contrived to get certain girls to the end, and I’ve just not followed closely enough to notice?

I never understood why The Village gets crapped on so much. As far as the twist goes, it is far more plausible than that of Signs. In fact, it is probably even more plausible now considering the Trump era.

To CK’s credit, they’re only visible in reflections, and this movie was shot on black-and-white 35mm film. Warning: Boring technical shit follows.

“Louis closed the browser window and sat down, deflated. He sighed as he cupped his face and began to weep, silently at first, into his hands. A.V. Club commenter, The Almighty Interrobang, had spoken, and his judgement rendered harshly.”