but .....but......AI could pump it out in weeks..........completed even NO PATCHES!!!!!!!!!!!!!
but .....but......AI could pump it out in weeks..........completed even NO PATCHES!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Those in congress cannot be charged with insider trading. By law.
you’ve def never met my Speech instructor, that lady came in one day and went on a looooong rant about how men dominate everything, why ? who knows, had nothing to do with the course.
i dont mind ironing, but my nice button up shirts come from the cleaners all sharp n crisp!
seriously, i dont read those lyrics as “poker face” never have , never will, i read it as an invitation
her knees are bent, her feet are out of the picture LOL
OMG 12th grade or LESS, seriously what kind of conversations does one have with something like that? Oh yeah, my ex.
F marriage, dont believe me, read on ..................
It was 10 goddam seconds ago!!!! How can you forget that fast?? you havent even started smoking pot!!! - there fixed it for you
hope one day it will happen, cause if it doesnt .......... they will be like the majority of people in cars
Someone needs to make the vagibling
i love em lil
bet she makes her boyfriend proud
i once saw this “lady” with a body that looked like someone setoff the tattoo chaingun at her, and the tat’s landed where they may
when we go so far out as to park away from everyone why is it that theres ALWAYS ONE person feels the need to park next to you, they may not make any dings but of aaaaaaaalllllllll the places empty to park they park next to you? GGGGRRRRRR!
if i come across one more young woman that thinks that 8hrs OT a week is considered a “workaholic” im gonna scream!! Also, i work. It takes up 13 hrs of my day. 6+ hrs to sleep. Guess whats left over.
such hotness
man i love that hair
More softcore plz
looks around, why does everyone have that look on their.............oh, closes door