
me too............cries together

“how’s the knee”?

Awww all I wunted wuz a paycheck and stuff. I know I don’t vote much and .....well this is how it’s been since..............well since mamaa brawt me up.   We gotta due sumthin abowt these kidz that think thay can just come here and take ovre!

nah, didn’t work so well for Lincoln

no you mean the Apple people, they’ll pay 100$ for a scoop of dirt

put it in water and call it “infused”

didn’t you hear the toad!!!!

yeah cause nothing is their fault, especially when technology knocks them out of their job market, and they have to cry snivelling to the orange man “bring my job back”

i wrote a snarky comment in jest but backspaced it, cause karma knows no fun

never underestimate the morons of this country, educated and the non-educated

big shocker, there are grown ass adults that wake up every morning NOT giving a damn about being any better today than they were yesterday

And the preschoolers that led them to the game........................uh i mean “parents”

people transmit std’s to others every day and don’t care, not all of them of course but there are those

pppsssst or send him over to where people are going hungry, or all that other bad stuff too

am I the only one that sees Miley ?

the moment they lose their job they’ll be blaming Hillary of gosh knows who else, but certainly not themselves

dont feel bad, it took me longer than 10 years but come around I DID!!!

we are the universe trying to understand just wth is going on!!!!!

but what about the people under the rubble, how’s their world or life? not being combative im just stating a fact, but I understand what you mean when you say “thankful”, im thankful I haven’t succumbed to disease or etc. cause somewhere a deer takes a sip of water from a pond just to be eaten by a gator, the gator is

abraham killed his son in another universe