Marx and Sparks

It shouldn’t be, though. HIV has an incredibly effective treatment that not only makes it impossible to spread but makes it likely that you’ll die from whatever else people die from rather than HIV. Whereas a lot of other STIs can be asymptomatic and cause infertility and other incurable conditions.

I saw that earlier and was horrified.

Jesus fucking Christ. Even our “allies” are monsters.

This has to be a dude

Holy shit! That’s awful. Do you remember the name of the med? I see a lot of people in PCOS groups talking about this great new medication they’re on and they’re are, without fail, basically legal speed.

Oh weird. Geri isn’t psyched that Mel B outed her and shared private information with fucking Piers Morgan and several million other people? 

I feel like you’re conflating two different things. It’s the “PC” (as in, factually and ethically correct) thing to say that all the blame lies with an abuser in regards to not blaming victims. It’s not the “PC” (as in, factually and ethically correct) thing to say the parents, in this particular situation, are

And if there’s one thing I’ve learned with my host of endocrine-related lady problems, any naturopath, touchy-feeley fake healer is just going to tell me I need to be less fat, through selective orthorexia and expensive “supplements”.

But there is no good reason to space them out.

I can’t tell if this is a joke...that was Jeff Daniels, not Dave Coulier.

Jesus Christ. No.

Wow that video is one of the most off-putting things I’ve ever seen.

Plus, Kelly’s motivation is clearly power and torture (and whatever else) rather than lust. Libido-killing shots doesn’t cure an abuser, especially not one running a god damned sex cult.

I do. Here’s the thing, predators are incredibly adept. And Michael Jackson was incredibly skilled at targeting boys and families who would be compliant, grooming them (and the whole world), and not targeting boys who had power and safety. So of course he’s not going to target famous boys with managers and parents and

I mean, they don’t say it quite so forthrightly. But they have all sorts of ways. That’s boys being boys. Women should protect themselves, because we all know how boys are. This is just women regretting having sex and calling it rape the next day. And so on and so forth. These are all ways sexual assault is normalized

I would guess it’s not so much that they love MJ and more that they either don’t believe survivors or think there’s nothing wrong with sexual assault. Probably both.

Thank you! <3 I’m making lasagna, which is a great way to just get lost in taking care of myself, given the one million steps it requires and the joy at the end.

I get that you want to defend an artist you like, but the logic on display here is appalling, never mind all of the other problems.

This is excellent advice, and advice I wish I’d heeded.

I saw one person, whose bio identifies him as a women’s rights, civil rights, and LGBTQ rights ally, praise MAGA people for their response to this documentary and insult “liberals” who believe Robson and Safechuck. It was...remarkable.