Oh wow, I actually got a “so much for the tolerant left.” This is a big day for me.
Oh wow, I actually got a “so much for the tolerant left.” This is a big day for me.
I like that we can always rely on the Jez comment section to be full of fat hatred. Thanks, guys!
Hi. What is the point of your post?
You’re right! Fat people aren’t constantly inundated with hateful shit about their bodies! They don’t die because doctors diagnose them as fat, missing the cancer that’s killing them! They don’t get discriminated against in housing and jobs! They’re just being told over and over again how much our society loves fat…
That’s nice for you. About 1 in 10 people have HSV-2 and almost 50% of people have HSV-1. And since condoms don’t entirely protect against transmission of herpes, it’s really just dumb luck that some people don’t have it and others do.
Yeah, I was laughing at the framing of it as a “body positive” video. Of course it’s body positive, she hits every single point on the socially constructed ideal woman list.
And you sound like an asshole!
Are you familiar at all with why Evangelicals became focused on abortion and how recently it happened?
You said, and I quote,
It’s interesting to me that you think misogyny, sexual harassment, and sexual assault are all integral parts of being a straight guy.
I know some male celeb has a story about realizing he was using other, more famous celeb’s old penis sock. So...
You are still making this an issue of individual choices, though, rather than recognizing the way that systems of power operate to make straight white maleness (rather than straight white men) unconcerned with the plight of women, people of colour, queer folks, etc.
My Body Is A Wonderbread
That’s so weird. For most people, their signature doesn’t include middle names, so what are they comparing it too? I have two middle names, which I’ve never included in my signature or even written in cursive. I can’t imagine what they’d look like if I tried.
When marginalized people say [insert privileged group] do/don’t do x, they aren’t saying “every single member of that privileged group.” They are saying, as a political bloc, that straight white men don’t care about women’s rights or queer rights. Not that you, Duder13 don’t. And we know that, again as a bloc,…
(Yes, I am going to ask my dentist and my podiatrist if they support a woman’s right to a safe abortion. Don’t care if it’s awkward.)
I mean, it would only be weird in a world where we didn’t objectify women and tell them their only worth is in being fuckable. In this world? It’s not weird at all.
I literally can’t imagine how (much more) awful high school would have been if Facebook were around then. Thanks for this...nostalgia?
Yeah, it comes from someone who doesn’t have a marginalized identity and has never experienced the way words are used to reassert that marginalization.
Or maybe he just sought out treatment. Not everyone resonates with war imagery when talking about their health and bodies.