I’m so sorry that the medical establishment has been so awful.
I’m so sorry that the medical establishment has been so awful.
Did you prepare it yourself? The...fishy? smell you have to wash away (but can’t wash all the way away) will also haunt me.
I haven’t had tofu shirataki, but I’ve had soy-based spaghetti which is pretty good but a little spongy, and I’ve had the other kind of shirataki, which is so disgusting I will be forever haunted by it.
just start to ponder if the term is now becoming toxic in general
Thank you for being incredibly condescending.
Yes, I think you can talk about desistance, but when that’s the major narrative being put forward, that’s a real problem. And it’s something I’ve seen TERFs use to invalidate trans identities.
Or, these types of articles work to delegitimize trans identities and experiences among allies and potential allies, thus reducing safety for all trans people and making it easier for fascists to harm trans folks with no protection from allies.
The idea of a man gatekeeping whether feminism is a useful term is, uh, unpleasant.
Holy shit. Well done. I hope she is haunted by this for the rest of her life.
I can’t tell if the painting is of Bryan Adams’ penis, or Elton John’s.
who will be very likely stick around until he dies.
Demi’s reaching out to fans to recover from her admitted relapse after just celebrating six years of sobriety. [RadarOnline]
No matter how many times I read the wikipedia page, I can’t get a handle on what TM is, other than something a bunch of celebrities think will change the world (which, almost undoubtedly, means it won’t).
Ooooh this is good.
Yeah, I didn’t love it. It felt like an entirely different show, really. More of a procedural. I think what was so captivating about the first two seasons was how personal it was to Miller, etc. and the third season didn’t have that. I do, however, find Olivia Colman amazing and David Tennant endlessly charming, so I…
It took a bit to get into—the first couple of episodes are pretty confusing and a little slow-moving and then it gets really interesting. I’m enjoying it (I also really love Maggie Gyllenhall), but there are a couple of sexual assaults—one portrayed on camera that I fast forwarded through and one off camera—that…
I have a friend who used a non-identifying photo of herself and explained the very good reason she didn’t have a photo up and that she would send one for those interested. That probably won’t work on Tinder but it worked for her on OKC.
I just finished Broadchurch and now I’m watching An Honourable Woman. I also liked Champions on Netflix.