Marx and Sparks

I wish people weren’t so black-and-white about sobriety. It’s a very AA-influenced concept and I think it can do harm. You have one drink, well, you’ve just thrown away 6 years of sobriety so might as well go on a bender.

Well, yes. Because the child’s lifestyle isn’t supposed to suffer, so they’re living a successful Hollywood actor lifestyle on that $50,000 a month.

I believe the idea is that the child should have a similar lifestyle with each parent. So you don’t have a millionaire parent who spoils the kid and a struggling, working-three-jobs parent who barely gets by. 

I’m watching for the second time in 24 hours and made a meme!

I ask this with sincerity: Why do you think you know more about trans people’s motivations and experiences than they do?

What’s wrong with Rosemarie Dewitt?

Let’s call this what it is, yeah? It’s emotional abuse. That is, intimate partner violence. I see nothing funny here.

You are so right. Walking home—that is, existing in public—is exactly like jumping into shark infested waters with a bloody foot. Thank you for your excellent and non-sexist reasoning.

Here’s a fun fact: Women are told our whole fucking lives to be aware of our surroundings. And we are. Because men do untold amounts of violence and harm to us. I could start talking about the violence I’ve experienced all along the spectrum and still be talking 24 hours from now. We are aware. You telling us to be

As a former victim support worker, the reason we don’t advocate it is because of the harm it could do to the survivor in terms of possible legal ramifications and social ramifications (like, say, the judgment you are heaping on her now), not because of the harm it could do to the perpetrator’s career. That being said,

So much of abuse is in secret. So much of what stops healing from abuse is shame. Speaking out and refusing to be ashamed can be very healing. Warning other people away from the person who harmed you can be very healing.

This is a bad take.

Bill Murray has been known about for a long time—physical abuse against his ex-wife.

I don’t think we can necessarily infer that lowered condom usage is in the context of monogamy and other birth control. It could as easily be poor sex ed, lack of access to condoms, thinking that you don’t need them now that HIV/AIDS can largely be managed as chronic illnesses.

I’m pretty sure it was meant to be posted on that article about the MIT prof who was maybe at some point dating Pitt and is now back with some hella rich dude.

Oh man. I tried konjac noodles once. Once. Never again. Dear god.

I love thin people who think they’ve found the secret to weight loss when really they just have all the genetic and societal advantages that mean they’d never get fat in the first place.

Plus, like, I’ve heard lesbians talk about how they aren’t into dick, but I’ve never heard a single lesbian talk about penises as if they’re disgusting/repulsive/etc. It’s so clearly just misogyny in every way.

I would send him pics of clots every month for the rest of his life.

YES. This was my immediate thought too.