Marx and Sparks

My dishwasher’s manual explicitly tells me to put the dirty part up and I always forget.

Thank you for this!

Holy shit. Yes, please.

How is José pronounced in Portuguese?

Why be polite and understanding when they have no right to be there, never mind the hilarious incompetence of trying to arrest someone for posting a picture of morels on social media?

I don’t know that I would consider it cultural appropriation, exactly, but it does seem pretty gross. It’s two white dudes who had never been to Africa singing non-sense about an entire continent.

This is an excellent and slightly bananas comment.

That would be very time-consuming. And she was well-past menopause by the time she was teaching me.

I didn’t dismiss anything. Kinja is notoriously buggy, which probably explains the issue.

Thank you for sharing this! I knew it was a grass roots women campaign, but I didn’t know the specifics.

That’s awesome!

What the fuck? If you choose an abortion it’s because you needed one. As in, you need an abortion to stop being pregnant for whatever reason you seek to stop being pregnant. This is not hard.

I’m so glad you were able to see your beliefs for what they were and evolve them! Lots of people can’t do that (or refuse to).

You’re right, actually. Probably more than 1 in 3 women need them but assholes like you prevent them from getting them, so only 1 in 3 women actually get them, while the others are forced to bear a pregnancy they don’t want or may not be viable.

Yesssss! Love Aunt Kitty.

Well, no. I wouldn’t be dead because I would have never been alive. I just wouldn’t have existed if my mother had needed and gotten an abortion and that would be fine.

This is fucking awesome.

This is hilarious and feels deeply accurate.

I mean, there WERE sites exclusively for sex work. This possible migration to dating sites is the direct result of legislation that has shut down said sites. So it’s not exactly a compromise.