Marx and Sparks

I know that copy-editing and proofreading aren’t valued in the fast-paced world of online journalism, but I honestly couldn’t parse this the first five times I read it:

Oh my god. This is incredible! (And must have been just awful.)

Wait, THAT’s what Sucker Punch is about?

You’re unhinged, bro.

a) Your obsession with lead is a little weird.

Did you really just “I have a woman friend” me on this one? Bud, I AM a woman. I spent almost ten years of my life working for feminist organizations. I have a degree in feminist theory. I am quite content that I know far more about the beauty industry than you do and the myriad reasons men, women, and other genders

Oh he already tried that bullshit before. Calling me “sister” (nope) and telling me he hopes I know how “worthy” I am regardless of what I look like (noooo thank you).

You: I’m not a misogynist!

This is true!

I think it’s really important to point out to you that this:

Hey sister, don’t worry, Laughing Crow sees your unique worthiness even if you’ll never get promoted without playing the makeup and hair game. Unless it’s where he’s the boss in which case you’ll never get promoted because he is too misogynistic to imagine women could be both smart and wear makeup!

Also, fun fact, at the literally world-renowned research organization I work at plenty of women wear makeup! Plenty don’t! It’s almost like wearing makeup has no correlation with intelligence or productivity or competence and you’re letting your misogyny seep into your evaluation of women who do wear makeup!

Bro. This is hilariously condescending and you don’t even seem to realize it.


Yep. There’s basically “you’re ugly/tired/unprofessional if you wear makeup” men and “you’re a stupid sheep if you wear makeup and I entirely discount the weight of social norms and billion dollar industries” men. And I’m sick of them both.

What a fantastic answer that is available to all women.

For me, a real scientist/engineer will *NEVER* care about painting their face like a clown to conform to ridiculous societal conventions; firstly, just because of the sheer amount of time such preparations require. And that goes for men and women.

Well, for me, I would not want to be with someone who broke up with me as a knee-jerk reaction. I would never feel emotionally safe and would keep waiting for them to break up with me again over some minor thing. Plus, I don’t think that is an emotionally healthy or kind way to treat people.

I don’t at all want to diminish your feelings, but I want to suggest that you are really, really close to this situation and already feeling vulnerable and destabilized, which is making this feel bigger than maybe it is. We have a lot of weird mythos about what college is “supposed” to look like, but it looks so

I was naturally good enough at school that I didn’t really need to work at it, which lead to all sorts of less than desirable things, but mainly it meant that I didn’t learn the value of hard work. Because I didn’t have to work hard to get good grades. Which means that learning new things is really frustrating because