Marx and Sparks

You are so fucking odious. Everything you just said is wrong and bad and exceedingly ignorant. I mean this with all sincerity, why are you here? You clearly hate women, don’t believe survivors, and enjoy pissing feminists off.

I guess I want there to be room in this conversation for a man who’s dedicated to women’s rights and equality to also be able to say, “I don’t think Bateman is the devil.” But maybe there’s not.

Personally, it would make me feel worse to think my best friend thought I couldn’t handle her news than actually hearing the news. I am always happy for friends when they reach relationship milestones, even if there are times I wish I was in a relationship.

For example, one friend asked with great sincerity “Do you think your marriage was worse than other marriages or do you think you just gave up easier?”

How are you making new friends? I live in a city famous for its unfriendliness and all my friends are partnered and I’m finding it challenging.

I think that men need to be actively listening to women and non-binary folks and actively talking to other men.

Here is what I want, a plan for him to do differently moving forward. And then I want to see evidence of him doing differently moving forward. Apologies mean nothing without changed behaviour, and no one is required to accept or think well of another person’s apology.

Yo, if anyone knows that dealing with men means dealing with imperfect men, it’s women.

Yes, I see what you’re saying. What you’re saying is a bunch of bullshit MRA illogic.


Their whole relationship is construct of red flags.

Oh honey, no. There are books you should read.

What is a cis relationship? As in you’re both cis gender? I’m struggling to see the relevance here.

I really wish writers on Jezebel would be more thoughtful about their use of “alleged.” Now, this isn’t a problematic usage, but it’s needless: “arrested for alleged disorderly intoxication.” She was arrested for disorderly intoxication. Now, whether that arrest will lead to charges and conviction is a different

Unfortunately, our society doesn’t care much about non-white mothers, even though they (like other women of colour and specifically black women) are nearly always the van guard of social justice work.

Writing something that’s a bad look? Fiction! Writing something that calls your ex-wife a crazy bitch*? There’s truth in fiction!

I work in addictions research, and a common refrain is “the power of mothers.” Peers will talk about how shit that they’ve been saying for years doesn’t change until a bunch of middle class white moms start saying it. Those same moms will talk about the power they have and how they need to use it.

More weird shutterstock porn content, please! I laughed my ass off at this.

How can you declare that socialism doesn’t work when we’ve had one severely choked attempt that it that was really about fascism more than anything else?

Yes, because it’s working so well so far.