Marx and Sparks

Was it that kayak murder story? I feel like they’ve fucked up reporting on it every single time and the commenters are always like “This is what actually happened, why are you reporting it this way?!”

I was going to go to university to study singing. Then I got trained as a hairdresser and moved to England. Then came back and worked at Starbucks while I upgraded my high school sciences at night school because I wanted to be a doctor. Got a degree in women’s studies, worked in the anti-violence field for a long

I’m sorry it was so painful. I’ve definitely heard of a wide range of experiences. Like with most things, I guess, but there are so few accurate depictions that we don’t know what to expect going in.

Plus, conception is shown as these heroic little swimmers and a passive egg, but the egg is actually really active in making pregnancy happen! Yet more sexist bullshit.

I might agree if we didn’t live in a world rife with misunderstandings and a whole bloc of people hellbent on forcing pregnancy on everyone with a uterus. Plus, contraceptive means prevent pregnancy not abort pregnancy, so it wouldn’t really make sense for an emergency contraceptive to induce termination.

Theoretically, if the girl hemorrhaged so much that her heart stopped beating and deprived her brain of oxygen for several minutes but then somehow started beating again and she survived, it’s possible for an illegal, unsafe abortion to cause brain damage, but a lot of things would have to go exactly right (or wrong)

Any time emergency contraception (which, as stated above, is NOT an abortifacient) is brought up, I think it’s important to share the following, as these are rarely talked about facts that have profound implications:

Your reading comprehension is incredibly frustrating. Me agreeing with your absurd reading that “labels will fix bigots” was not-at-all subtle sarcasm.

Yes, labels will fix homophobia. Thanks for your excellent and good faith reading of my comment. For fuck’s sake.

B99 is literally one of the few bright spots in a world of constant fuckery and one of the most diverse and progressive shows out there. So of course they fucked it with constant schedule changes and then cancelled it.


I am so excited to watch this, it sounds fantastic.

Interesting how often “turmoil of the soul” is justification for men abusing women in service of “art.”

I love the way tabloids talk about relationships.

And produce methane and it requires a never ending cycle of impregnating cows and taking away their babies. To me, almonds are always gonna win here.

Your hatred of Ansel Elgort is probably my favourite thing on Jezebel. And now I want to see this movie because it sounds just impossibly bad.

Don’t go to Claire’s or anywhere that tries to come at you with a piercing gun. Go to a proper piercer. They will almost certainly have a bed available that you can lie down on so that you don’t even have to worry about fainting.

Jesus Christ. That’s so fucked up. I was going to say it’s unbelievably fucked up, but I will always believe that HR will fuck over employees in service of the corporation’s bottom line.

In my experience, 99% of the people who think we don’t need labels have never felt the weight of a marginalized identity. Straight people benefit from having “no labels” because it reinforces the idea that straight is the default. Whereas queer folks continue to face housing discrimination and employment