Marx and Sparks

It normalizes stalking as something that “suitors” do in order to get the girl. Something a tonne of romantic comedies also do. But whatever.

My “tidy little box” of not mocking violence against women? Yeah, I’m really asking for too much here.

An ostensibly feminist (or, at least, feminist-adjacent) website making jokes about a woman being stalked isn’t “snark” or “adult humour,” it’s shitty, crass, and trivializes a form of violence 15% of women will experience in their lifetime.


What I appreciate here is that you clearly have no conception of the cultural idea of the Cool Girl and can’t be bothered to google it.

It’s not “mean girling” to point out that disavowals of feminism are tiresome, cliche, and shitty for other women. But you do you, Booboo.

It’s also way easier when you are naturally thin and gain weight for a very short period.

Translation: “I’m a Cool Girl(TM). I’d way rather eat a burger with the guys than salad with catty women!”

Countdown to the “What I eat all day” article in which she waxes poetic about the luxury of eating 8 raw almonds as a snack.

Hmmm. I am a woman but I lack a daughter or sisters. Should I care about women? I do have a mother, after all.

This lead me to googling the hell out of this movie and just...what. WHAT.

I think a lot of people do a lot of othering (only certain types of people are abusive, not the kinds of people I spend time with) that lets them think child abuse is rare and far away rather than in their friend’s/cousin’s/sister’s home, and that it looks one certain way.

Okay, but why did you say it? This is unnecessary and frankly gross speculation.

Yeah, agreed. And how often as a society we treat teenagers trying to get away from bad situations like THEY’RE the problem and that they just “want to have fun” or some shit.

I hear “only talked to his mother and on his own terms” as “trying to protect himself from a lifetime of possible abuse and boundary violations” but ymmv.

I could maybe understand him leaving if his father was abusive, but then he could have left and just notified his mother about any abuse he suffered.

And yet this professional fraternity is acting just like a social fraternity with its unchecked bigotry, so maybe this isn’t the hill to die on.

Where’s the joke?

A mattress of understatement.