Okay, Louis.
Okay, Louis.
Sorry, what’s Louis CK’s message supposed to be? “Don’t get caught.” ? Or “Don’t get caught, but don’t really worry about it, cause you won’t suffer beyond your creepy AF movie not being released.”?
Yeah, but they both get punished, which is something 99.9999% of sexual predators don’t, including Louis CK.
I am so tired of this idea that creeps can teach other men how not to be creeps. What the fuck has CK learned, here, other than how to give shitty apologies and back away for all of 5 months?
I admit, I read a critique of the original survey rather than the original survey, so you’ve got me there. Weirdly enough, between biking home, putting in laundry, making dinner, and responding to your comment I didn’t hunt down a 35 year old book. That being said, “about how often in the last year have you had sex…
I disagree, because we already knew what a monster Trump was at that point. We knew he was a racist misogynist fraudster creep. Sure, we didn’t know just how awful he could be, but we knew he was plenty awful.
But calling 10% less sex (not that desire=sex) “bed death” is absurd, never mind the absurdity of treating heterosexual sex levels as “normal” and that to which we should all aspire.
10% lower is not synonymous with non-existent. In fact, 10% of anything is pretty small. Thus, it is possible that lesbians may have less sex as their relationship goes on (as do pretty much every couple of every orientation), but that doesn’t mean they have none or that “lesbian bed death” exists.
That is horrifying.
Is this a joke? What? It’s like watching a little kid play-act Cribz.
Thank you! It matches the main accent colour in my house, which wasn’t on purpose, I just can’t stop buying this colour!
They’re literally drying right this second. They’re kind of streaky, though, despite 3 or 4 coats.
That’s so neat! I want colour-changing nail polish!
a) You keep conflating fatness with tallness, and that is asinine. b) “Oh look at this height difference” is fucking worlds apart from being murdered, sexually assaulted, denied housing, and denied employment.
My mom thinks ketchup is too spicy...
Or like when they’ve had a fight and she won’t pick up her phone but he has to tell her some life or death information (in rom coms and action movies): TEXT THE INFORMATION YOU IDIOT.
Do people really remember their choreography from some talent show in sixth grade? This is a weirdly common trope.
If you really think that overweight men are “one of the last safe places to mock and ridicule,” you’ve never spent any time listening to people of colour, queer and trans people, people with disabilities, women, and especially people who fall into multiples of those categories with the addition of fatness.
Obsequious is the perfect word for him. Both he and Fallon have this absurd fake over-laughing thing that makes my skin crawl.
White Feminism is valuing your own intentions over the real life impacts of your choices.