Marx and Sparks

I don’t know where to start here.

You mean the crime of contributing to and benefitting from the cultural genocide of an entire people? Cause, uh, yeah. We are.

I’m pretty sure it started (and continues) with colonization.

Are whites preying upon native women because they feel they won’t get caught?

That is a very endearing story.

That is a very endearing story.

Wait, what?! We’re getting a $5 coin? For the love of pete, why?

The coin itself is a loonie, but we don’t call the concept of a dollar a loonie.

“Every society has to confront the ungovernable genie of sexuality and tries various ways to deal with it and none of them work very well. There is great difficulty when you are switching modes, which we seem to be doing now. People go crazy. They start tearing each other to bits,”

He was in “West Africa.” It’s far away. Obviously. No real coffee there.

They’re all horrible.

Obviously she is making a calculated choice here. But let’s not pretend that the calculations she’s making (tonnes of skin exposed, no jacket, big ol’ thigh-high slit in February weather) are even close the calculations the dudes are making (comfy, warm layers appropriate to February weather).

I started watching Grey’s from the start a couple weeks ago (I’d watched it up to maybe the 6th season then gave up cause it was too bananas) when I was sick and, now that I work in the medical/research field I’m just consistently horrified. Where are the ethics boards?! Where are the regulatory colleges?! Why are

My mom pretends I never told her. She still says things like ‘x will happen when you find your future husband’ and it doesn’t sting. I just wish she would correct her language. I also wish I hadn’t told her in the middle of a huge fight because she made it about herself and got mad when I explained that I thought she

So you go to hockey games and shout (even) more obviously racist shit? Cool, cool. You should be real proud of that.

From my perspective, as a former victim services worker and a survivor, I would try being curious with her. Like, if she tells you he did x, just ask her what she thinks about it, how it makes her feel. In supporting hundreds of (mostly) women, every single one has had a niggling gut feeling that something is wrong,

There are two main issues with the pink pussy hats, as I see it. One, not all vulvas are pink. In fact, most aren’t, but pink ones are a marker of whiteness and white feminism has a lot to answer for. Two, not all women have vaginas (and not all those who have vaginas are women), so having the symbol of woman hood be

Thanks, pal. This was such a lovely and thoughtful reply.

Noo I disagree! It is really common for people—especially (primariliy)—women to get drastic haircuts after a breakup and regret it. It’s so common it’s a trope!

Red flag, covered in bees.

It’s interesting the places where there is significant overlap between leftists and rabid conservatives, like “back to the land” kind of things and grass-fed beef.