I actually addressed it in the moment—though more the wrongness of it and less how it impacted me.
I actually addressed it in the moment—though more the wrongness of it and less how it impacted me.
To be clear, this is something I think about in relation to my own gender. I listen to and trust as experts others on their experience of gender. And I have, actually, thought quite a bit about what it would be like to be told I was and treated as a man and how wrong that would feel for me. But I’m more thinking about…
I mean, I feel like they’re both interesting and helpful ways to view it, and that there doesn’t have to be just one way of understanding my own experience of gender or gender more broadly.
I actually go to a community acupuncture place (where you’re all in a room together and it’s significantly cheaper and just community-minded, which I like) so I got to try a few different practitioners there and found one that I jived with. I looked on yelp and read reviews, read the websites of 6 or so different…
Oh yes, for sure. And I hope I didn’t come across as thinking that certain parts or configurations of parts are the sum total or even necessary for womanhood. Because I don’t at all.
Hahaha she probably would. I can picture it now.
When I told my brother, he told me he would “need time to get over it” because it “really changes how I think of you” (which he didn’t mean negatively, but...). Which didn’t really bother me, because he’s kind of a bro and so I wasn’t all that bummed but did find it funny. Dude, I date women (and folks of other…
Speaking from my own experience, I think there is a good possibility that as you get space from this man and this relationship, you will start to see that he treated you in ways that were unkind and that you won’t want to put up with in the future. Which can be really weird and painful but also healthy and sort of…
Man, I’m sorry you had such an awful experience. That’s horrible.
Ah. If you’re used to that weather it’s fine, I guess. I’m a weather baby who grew up on the West Coast so every time I’ve moved east I’ve been horrified by six months of snow and freezing.
Interestingly, many of my closest friends are bi/queer femmes who are in relationships with men and feel like they don’t get to claim queerness anymore, which just makes me feel so sad.
I hear you! I did it once (accidentally—I wasn’t aware that’s what I’d signed up for...) and it was a really negative experience. The practitioner didn’t seem to know what the fuck she was doing and the way she talked about it was absurd and inspired zero confidence.
Have you tried the Zombies! Run! app? It’s fun! Especially if you like running, I’d imagine (I do not, so I gave up on it, but it was fun while I did it!).
This is an interesting question and one I don’t have an answer for. I’m not especially tied to memes, or whatever, and put the safety of trans folks above my sharing of memes. But I do hear you on the tension of how to understand womanhood in a way that is inclusive to all who identify as women while also recognizing…
Where are you in Canada? Are you experiencing a proper Canadian winter, or out here on the West Coast?
That is one perfect little baby. <3
I’m really sorry. I’m sure you must be hurting a lot. But also, and this will be harsh, this dude sounds like an asshole. It is immensely unkind to say “we can be together now but at x point we’ll go completely dark and never speak again.” That sounds like a cruel and selfish move. I hope you will have the strength to…
Oh man. I’m sorry, I don’t have any answers for you. I’ve just come off the pill too and am figuring out what my period/body is like post-pill.
The psychology of the fragile white male—especially the conservative ones—is so fascinating. And nearly always identical with its brethren.
What does this have to do with transphobia?