Marx and Sparks

Can we talk about queerness and coming out and especially for those of us who are bi/queer/pan/date more than one gender?

I’m sorry that happened to you and so glad you were able to find your words in that moment.

Yes, how shocking that women with significantly less power than him wouldn’t have gone to him to say “hey, this harassment isn’t working for me, buddy.”

I liked Oryx and Crake. The latter two of the trilogy are...not good. They’re classic bad Atwood—boring, verbose, dry, and I just don’t give a fuck. (I say this as a lover of the Handmaid’s Tale and reader of at least five of her books.)


There was a story about it on, maybe, This American Life, and it was unbelievable the things people would return.

Adoption is a thrilling truth I’ll pursue with all my might

You don’t have to have personally done the research “proving otherwise”*, you simply need to know how to evaluate health claims and how to evaluate evidence quality. Something that very few people can actually do.

This is fantastic, and thank you for it.

Oh man. That’s infuriating. I’m glad she broke up with him.

Thank you. <3

It’s not. I have a good job, and a good life, and good friends, and I’ve gone to a lot of good therapy.

Your logic is failing here. If you support women getting to make autonomous decisions over their bodies...then you support women getting to make autonomous decisions over their bodies. Even when some of those decisions aren’t ones you’d make or particularly like.

And “crack babies” is unnecessarily pejorative and not a scientific term, but it seems My Prof up there is more intent on being a jackass than anything else.

So your daughter doesn’t need an HPV vaccine and the suggestion is offensive and implying that she’s a sex deviant, but your son does need it and that doesn’t make him a sex deviant?

I did!

They totally know, but I don’t think they’re capable of seeing the broader picture. Like, they know it’ll get women to get off their jock, but don’t see how they contribute to an entire system of oppression (because there is, apparently, nothing worse than accurately telling your oppressor that they’re oppressing you).

YES. The number of times I’ve had my anger weaponized against me. Either I’m “man-hating” or “need a sense of humour” or “too sensitive” or, you know, just a bitch. Somehow it’s never incumbent upon them to stop being misogynistic pigs. It’s just me being a snowflake, etc. etc.