Marx and Sparks

The other thing is...these dudes are not just fucking any woman they stumble across—they’re presumably attracted to fat(ter) women but shamed for it after the fact. Which seems to be a common theme with a lot of young men—they like a much wider variety of bodies than what they see in the mainstream, but face immense

I’ve given dozens of consent workshops and presentations to thousands of people, and the most tense and, frankly, scary one I did was in a frat. The only woman in a full frat house mandated by their president* to take a consent workshop.

I have vague recollections of crystal Pepsi. I think New Coke slightly predates me. I’m familiar with them, however, from reading Salt, Sugar, Fat, which is interesting if too...loquacious for my taste.

Just say you fucked up, Doritos! It’s fine. Everyone fucks up. But this is bullshit. Your chief executive said some stupid shit and now you’re trying to pretend she didn’t?

I was speaking to the idea that women would rather have a drink than tell their husband to wash the dishes, and how overly simplistic that is, whereas a consistently unequal relationship leading to resentment could lead to escapism and coping strategies.

I didn’t say it is? I work in addictions research and grew up around addiction. I’m the last person to laugh at it.

But the complaints span from 2011 to today, so blaming this on Trump doesn’t make any sense. Blaming it, instead, on a culture that disregards consent and makes certain people feel entitled to the bodies of certain others makes a lot more sense.

I...okay? Like, I don’t disagree, but I am so baffled by your comment’s relevance to either the story or my comment...?

But how does stigma help? There are reams of literature on how stigma does harm. And people don’t generally drink (at harmful levels) during pregnancy for shits and giggles—they’re doing it as a coping mechanism, because they have an alcohol use disorder, etc. And we know that stigma around addiction does a lot of

I mean, it’s probably that your husband requires daily reminding and managing in order to contribute 30% of the work you’re doing, not the occasional request to wrap a birthday present. I can see why that would drive one to escapism.

We’re also supposed to take folate—just in case. Doesn’t matter if you’re queer or celibate or would 100% get an abortion, gotta take that folate so you can fulfill your womanly duty!

Tha fuck?

Dude knew about Weinstein’s deeds for twenty years.

That is not true. They confer significant protection as long as they weren’t given in rapid succession. And two doses is now recommended for young people aged 12-14 or so.



Jesus. That’s horrifying.

Of COURSE it’s fucking Tracie Egan Morrissey.