Yeah, I think I read it too. It was harrowing and horrifying. Anyone defending that scumbag is deeply suspect themself.
Yeah, I think I read it too. It was harrowing and horrifying. Anyone defending that scumbag is deeply suspect themself.
There’s a big difference between having a sexual fetish be known and (hypothetically) have committed a crime, though.
Thank you!
God. That is both repulsive and worrying.
Man, this bums me out hard.
There is a fake Marx and Sparks (marxsparkx) pretending to be me and saying gross shit I would never say. If you click on the three dots theirs will say “follw marxsparkx” whereas mine will say “follow bluesandgolds”. Please flag and dismiss this loathesome troll.
What do we do about it?
What a desperately sad life this person must have.
he decided to wore a dashiki and kufi cap.
While this is true, I have to ask why you’re pretending to be another commenter.
Never mind, I found the imposter!
They look the same (mortal-dictata)—how can I tell?
Uh, yeah. I am aware of that. Nowhere did I say contrary (though he obviously did), but I do appreciate you graphically describing the rape.*
He didn’t rape a 13-year-old. It was statutory rape...he had sex with a minor. That’s not rape. To me, when you use the word rape, you’re talking about violent, throwing them down—it’s like one of the most violent crimes in the world. You can’t throw the word rape around. It’s like throwing the word ‘racist’ around.…
The feedback I’ve heard from homeless shelters and women’s centres is that a small minority might use a cup, but most want pads or tampons, for a variety of reasons.
Thank you. :)
Because it’s a cult that has ruined untold lives, allowed sexual, emotional, and physical abuse to run rampant, and been implicated in several deaths. It’s like having a commercial for the Branch Davidians.
Compartmentalization is totally a legitimate and effective coping mechanism. But the thing about coping mechanisms is that they have an end-date. They work to keep you as safe as possible while you’re in the situation, and then once you’re out, they start to either not work as well, or to have negative effects on your…
In my experience working with hundreds of survivors (and reading most of the literature out there on trauma), past trauma seems to emerge in two times: When things are really bad and it’s been triggered, and when things are really good. Often, it’s not until we are safe enough to be able to process it that our bodies…
There are answers to all of your questions in our current understanding of trauma. Trauma occurs when one of two things happens: 1. You are unable to integrate your experience/memory/understanding of a profoundly distressing event, 2. You experience a threat to life, body integrity, or sanity.