I’m assuming you just mean the T part of LGBT here?
I’m assuming you just mean the T part of LGBT here?
I do because I literally always forget to put it on beforehand. My morning goes: Bathroom, tea, blearily read the internet for half an hour, make a smoothie, get dressed, deodorant, brush teeth, make-up, leave (5 minutes late these days).
Friends are friends to never believe their friend could do something bad? What an odd idea of friendship you have.
If I did something heinous, I would not expect my friends to support it and deny it. I think true friends would call me out and demand me to be accountable and make amends (in situations where that’s possible).
Are the people greasy or the staircase?
But the problem is, people almost always believe their close friend over the person saying they were harmed. We can’t start from a place of “well, they’re my friend, so they’d never.”
He also wrote something awful for McSweeneys a few years ago. I can’t even remember the topic, just that it was terrible and smug.
Jesse Eisenberg. The “thinking man’s”* Michael Cera.
Holy fuck that’s ugly. And, just...jesus. God. Why?
What immense self-restraint you have.
Yep. Legit looks like her “cool” dad.
I think you’re mixing up your misogynistic vagina insults there, Jasmine.
I found Adam Driver’s character and treatment of Hannah so triggering that I couldn’t watch the show—he was exactly like my dickhead ex who escalated quite quickly to sexual assault.
I am aware of the term, thanks. It’s not one I especially like (I think it is opaque, inaccessible to many, and inadvertently hides the ways that these systems interact), so it’s not one I use.
I agree...but that’s not what I said. I said the reasons he trolls are ones only Freud could puzzle out.
For me, I’m not interested in the same systems but with women and POCs in leadership positions. I’m interested in dismantling the systems (patriarchy, white supremacy, colonization/neocolonialsm, capitalism) that oppress the majority of humanity and building new systems based on dignity, shared responsibility (that…
It means dismantling the power structures—governmental, legal, societal—that privilege men and marginalize women and non-binary people.